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new carry gun

Whatever gun you choose be comfortable with it. I'm a revolver guy. No issues ever. My wife loves then because of their simplicity. I love my ruger sp101. .38 or .357. Fyi: you can't legally conceal carry while bow hunting in iowa.
Going with the thought that I wanted a big gun if a gun battle errupted, I opted for a .45cal compact. It soon became apparent that I rarely carried it due to the fact it was so uncomfortable to carry and hard to conceal.

I have now switched to the S&W Bodyguard .380. It comes with a lazer sight and is comfortable to pocket carry and to shoot. I have to admit that a .380 with only 7 shots is not what I would want in a gun battle but given the fact that most gun battles occur within 7 yards, I should be able to hit what I'm aiming at. And.......I would rather have a .380 than nothing, which is exactly what I would have had before because my .45 always was home in the dresser because it was so uncomfortable to carry that I didn't carry it.

So, now when asked what gun I suggest to conceal carry, my answer is whatever gun you will carry everyday.:way:
This is where the "right holster" plays a huge role. From everything to comfort and concealment. If anyone is looking for a small pistol to "pocket carry", youll find you wont be doing that often. I love my 380 for quick run to the store etc, when i dont put my holster w/ regular carry weapon on. Throw it in my pocket and off I go.
But, they do make great holsters for them as well, if you intend a 380 as ur fulltime carry weapon. Pocket carry gets annoying quick, as well as not being as safe.

Going with the thought that I wanted a big gun if a gun battle errupted, I opted for a .45cal compact. It soon became apparent that I rarely carried it due to the fact it was so uncomfortable to carry and hard to conceal.

I have now switched to the S&W Bodyguard .380. It comes with a lazer sight and is comfortable to pocket carry and to shoot. I have to admit that a .380 with only 7 shots is not what I would want in a gun battle but given the fact that most gun battles occur within 7 yards, I should be able to hit what I'm aiming at. And.......I would rather have a .380 than nothing, which is exactly what I would have had before because my .45 always was home in the dresser because it was so uncomfortable to carry that I didn't carry it.

So, now when asked what gun I suggest to conceal carry, my answer is whatever gun you will carry everyday.:way:
This is where the "right holster" plays a huge role. From everything to comfort and concealment. If anyone is looking for a small pistol to "pocket carry", youll find you wont be doing that often. I love my 380 for quick run to the store etc, when i dont put my holster w/ regular carry weapon on. Throw it in my pocket and off I go.
But, they do make great holsters for them as well, if you intend a 380 as ur fulltime carry weapon. Pocket carry gets annoying quick, as well as not being as safe.

A good pocket holster helps conceal and cover's the trigger so accidental fire is not a concern.:way:
Everyone's already touched on it, but you need a good gun and holster combo.

Too many people skimp on one or the other and end up not carrying. The compact .380's and 9mm's can be good options. I personally like to carry a 9MM (Glock 19 in my case), but the keltec PF-9 was high on the list as well. I carry IWB with a cross breed supertuck.

Good to go out and fondle everything you can. The smaller the gun, usually easier to conceal but harder to shoot. Find something with a blend of what you are looking for and go from there.
in my opinion a good holster is just like a good scope. the gun is useless without either one. I carry my glock 23 at 3:00 in a galco king tuk.. I had a crossbreed supertuck and preferred the galco. it's all personal preference but find something you will actually carry. it's better to have it and never need it than to need it and not have it.
Nearly two months later and a tough-to-find-anything market and I finally got my gun. Keep in mind I'm a one income family and don't have a large amount of play money so pricing was a big deal. I ended up going with a sccy cpx-2. This is a low priced 9mm that carries some great reviews. Nearly everything I could find online about this gun was positive, the main negative comments in threads and such were from people who did not own or had never shot it and were stuck on a name brand. So I decided to give it a try. Its a sweet little gun. And for the money ($264), even sweeter! First off the feel is really good, fits my hand great. It does have molded finger grooves that would not fit a large hand very well. It has a 10+1 magazine capacity. The overall size and weight is right in there with many of the other sub compact 9's I had been checking out. I put 70 rounds through it on Friday and had one ftf on about shot 5. This may have been due to the ammo getting wedged in the magazine. The ammo I have (Winchester fmj 115gr.) Has seemingly long lead. Long enough to make the bullets wedge themselves in the magazine a couple times when I was loading and unloading the magazines by hand. Other than that 1 ftf, flawless for the test of those rounds shot. Shooting at the 7 yard line I was easily keeping the group in a hand print size area when taking my time. As I would pop shots off rapidly I would lose quite a bit of accuracy but still well within a body mass area. I will be practicing a lot to improve this. I currently bought a cheap nylon iwb holster that will get me by until I find the right one.
Anyway, here are a couple of pictures, thought you guys might be interested and thanks for all the advice!


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I have carried the ruger lcr. 357 for just about 3 years now. Its light and accurate up close. I will say the trigger pull is less than desirable. It is somewhere around an 11 lb pull.
Personally a huge fan of the XDS. I don't think I can find a better conceal carry gun that is that accurate and packs that much punch (.45 caliber).
X2 on the xds. I picked one up a month or so ago. My glock 23 is now in the console of my truck. I love this gun. And very accurate and easy to control for being a tiny .45
I have a number of CCW firearms. My favorite is the Bersa .380 Thunder. Easy to conceal, fits my larger hand well, and is extremely accurate.

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