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New COVERT 8.0 & Bushnell 8.0 Cams ??


Staff member
Same cam, just depends on who ends up putting label on it I assume, just like the Covert II and the 5.0 Bushnell earlier. Correct?
Here's the covert one...
http://www.covertscoutingcamera.com/store.html says $249

Says $199 without camo, $229 with camo. I don't care bout camo because I use epoxy to put bark on outside of cam and hide in tree up a ways.

OK- i love my Covert II's and I've run tons of cameras (Covert VS my Cuddeback is a Ferrari VS a horse and buggy). Only thing I like about the new 8.0 is the added 3 megapixels which took it from 5 to 8mp now.

Another HUGE thing for me is the ability to put in a 16gb card instead of a 2gb. I'm putting about 12 cams up for tresspasser control, completing dedicated to tresspassers (not that I've had big problems- with any ground I have in any location- I'll monitor) and the 16gb will hold lots of pics so I don't have to go back all the time.

1) Is the 8.0 as good of cam as last year's 5.0 (covert II)??? I love the quality, battery life and reliability.

2) difference between Bushnell and Covert? Like last year, one had the control and one did not.

3) where is the cheapese places to get the 8.0??? Like Cabelas has the bushnell for 199 BUT I know I can find cheaper. Fine with buying the Covert brand, hoping to find for lower cost. Hope to get 6-8 of these buggers to add to my 12 Covert II's from last year to have quite an arsenal.

4) any other thoughts? Love the covert II's and want to make sure with these new advantages I'll be equally or more happy. Thanks!!
These two cameras will probably perform exactly the same. I sold both the coverts and the bushnells last year and preferred the bushnells. The reason is I liked the controls inside the bushnell, and the box itself seemed better with the bushnells, not to mention the biggest + a 2 year warranty compared to 1 year. I will probably only carry the bushnells this year. People like the warranty.

I sold well over 50 bushnells last year and had a problem with one. I sent it to bushnell and they sent me a new camera.

As for this years compared to last years I love the fact that they will take bigger cards. You will be able to leave them a lot longer especially when in video mode. 8mp is a big plus especially for trespassers because you will be able to blow the pics up and keep the clarity. They also have 6 or 8 more infrared bulbs to light up your night pics a little better. It seemed that if the object was on the outsides of the frame it was darker than in the middle. I noticed this on the bushnells, coverts, and scoutguards... Just my .02
Can you lock these to the tree with a python cable or do you just strap them to the tree and hope no one finds them? I've been looking at getting a few myself but want to be able to lock them with a python cable.
The new Bushnell's have 2 plastic loops molded into the case right above where the straps go thru. You can also purchase a lock box that paddlelocks and uses a python cable.
How are the night time videos and pictures with the new Bushnell's??

I can't seem to keep the new ones in stock so I haven't gotten mine bought yet.

These are from last years model and I know the new ones will be brighter. You can see the edges are darker. The new ones have 2 more rows of IR bulbs. This should brighten them up even more. I had no complaints with the old ones either. A decent editing program will lighten that up.



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I've got a DLC Covert and a Bushnell Trophy Cam sitting side by side right now. They are not the current models, as they are both a year to two years old, so maybe things are different.

The Covert sensor covers more ground than the picture, meaning that an animal can trigger it, the camera takes a pic, but the animal wasn't in the field of view or I might get a pic of a nose or tail. This can be an advantage if the animal is moving on a trail that goes in front of the camera, especially if you set it to double shot. But for a lick camera, where the animal stands on the fringe for some time, this can be frustrating. I guess I could tape the edges of the sensor, but why should I have to do that.

Also, the Covert requires the controller to program it, BTC is all on board. Finally, as mentioned, the BTC comes with a 2 year warranty.

Last weekends cam check found lots of condensation around the LED's of the DLC with some water inside of the case. I looked at the seal and didn't see any obvious problems and the torrential rains might be to blame. Left the door open on the camera for a few hours and it dried out.

If I was looking to buy more cams, I'd lean heavy towards the BTC.
My brother pick up a couple bushnells from Buck Hollow Sports at a price below that of Cabelas. PM JJ or Boyd and stay local.
I've been looking at buying another cam soon and have been leaning towards the Bushnell trophy cam.

However, I came across this the other day on the chasingame review of the BTC.

06-19-2010 update: Well so much for the battery life test because this camera is toast. We last checked this camera back on 5-29 and it was doing well. We checked it today and when we opened it up it was half full of water. Our first inspection could not see anything wrong with the seal. Everything is soaked and slimy so we will have to wait for it to dry out to complete the inspection. Latches were fully closed and the plug was in place so there is no reason for this. If the plug had been out then the cam could have at leased drained as the water entered. This is not good so we are just going to go ahead and close this review. See the picture below and the light colored part of the rubber seal is where the leak is. With the camera all the way closed you can see daylight between the seal and the plastic. The shootout that was planned with this camera up against the Spypoint and Scoutguard cameras has been canceled because we just cant seem to keep a Bushnell Trophy camera running long enough to even complete a review.

Any of you had problems with water?
I've been looking at getting a few new cameras and have been leaning toward the BTC. I've read dozens of reviews, personally talked to several people who own them and read many rave reviews on message boards (including this one). I've never heard of any problems such as the one above.
Hopefully it is one of those "it happens" deals. I think that no matter what, you're going to have an odd issue every once in awhile.

With that said, if anyone HAS ever heard of this or any other frequent issues with the BTC, please speak up before I plop down my $$ for a couple!!
I'm currently running the 09 model bushnells and have never had an issue with water or anything else for that matter. I'm also hoping it is an isolated case.

I will be hanging a 2010 bone collector edition (only difference is the camo) on a tree today and will let everyone know how it goes in a week.
I've been looking at buying another cam soon and have been leaning towards the Bushnell trophy cam.

However, I came across this the other day on the chasingame review of the BTC.

06-19-2010 update: Well so much for the battery life test because this camera is toast. We last checked this camera back on 5-29 and it was doing well. We checked it today and when we opened it up it was half full of water. Our first inspection could not see anything wrong with the seal. Everything is soaked and slimy so we will have to wait for it to dry out to complete the inspection. Latches were fully closed and the plug was in place so there is no reason for this. If the plug had been out then the cam could have at leased drained as the water entered. This is not good so we are just going to go ahead and close this review. See the picture below and the light colored part of the rubber seal is where the leak is. With the camera all the way closed you can see daylight between the seal and the plastic. The shootout that was planned with this camera up against the Spypoint and Scoutguard cameras has been canceled because we just cant seem to keep a Bushnell Trophy camera running long enough to even complete a review.

Any of you had problems with water?

Both of my BTC are in security cases, so that might help shield them from rain.
Does anyone know where the cheapest places to get 16 gb memory cards?
Amazon.com = around $35
Buy.com = around $34 with shipping
walmart.com = around $35 - pick up in store

OK, I guess all I'm finding is about a best price of around 35-ish. Anyone know of a cheaper place?

I see a class 4, I do see higher classes for more $. Any suggestions on class of chips????

OK- I found a class 4 on ebay, 16gb, with shipping is $29.....

Thoughts? Anyone know of better?
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Have you checked Sam's Club?
I know last year when I was buying 2gb cards they were cheaper than any of the places you listed.
On the package Bushnell recommends sandisk brand sd cards. I just stuck a 2gb moultrie card in one and it worked fine.

My plan is actually to buy a couple 8gb cards because I usually pull a card and stick a new on in while at the tree.

Right now I've got the camera set at 8mp and it says I can take 1879 pics. That puts me at roughly 8000 pics with an 8gb card.

Here's a pic it took in my back yard on 8 megapixel. Camera was even aiming into the sun. Unreal. I'm heading out to hang this sucker up now.:way:

The dog is a real killer.:rolleyes:

I want to get one of these bushnells bad because I am a long ways away from my hunting ground and can't get there every month. Anyone want to by two p-41 homebrews? :) That is great picture quality!!
I have only had an isolated memory card problem with my bushnell cam but other than that it has been great.

Issue was that they recommend Sandisk SD cards and I used Kingston...had 2 cams out with Kingston SD's and neither registered any pics over the course of the month, swapped them out with Sandisk and they have since taking 2000 pics each with no problems...great cam!
I just bought 7 Sandisk SD cards. I will soon have 6 cams coming from JJOHNSON. (I have around 12 of the old 5.0 Coverts which only take the 2gb). I bought the CLASS 4 cards, 16gb Sandisk for these new cams- if JJOHNSON'S calculations are ball-park correct, I could get 16,000 pics (ok- pry an overkill BUT these are out for tresspassers and I can now forget about them). I bought these after doing a touch of research and reading about the recommendation for Sandisk cards. I ended up paying $40 per card VS about $30-35 I could get a cheaper card for BUT I don't want to take a chance.
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I went out saturday to check my BTC and opened it up and had water come out...not a ton but enough for it not to work and no pictures were taken. both latches tight and plug in. I have dried it out and replaced batteries and now works but now am wondering hoe trusty I should be with putting it out. It is 09 model. I will leave the plug out from now on. I think the thing that gets you is ur memory card and that are on the bottom so the water sits there. I don't know y it didnt seal. It was in the woods protected to an extent but we did have a lot of rain last week. I am going to take batteries out and close it and see if I still collect any water inside just by pouring some on top. I hope the seal is not shot. Otherwise, GREAT camera, still no cudde in this guys house. Bought one and returned it. Like my BTC and Scoutguard way to well.
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