Well-Known Member
With just returning from Colorado with tag soup I was excited to be back on the whitetail grind so I decided to set up the scrape cam yesterday and also check a cam that has sat for two and a half weeks. While in Colorado I got a text from one of the landowners granddaughters saying a kid would be hunting during youth. So I got a little worried about how that'd affect the deer. While walking to the other property to check my cam I noticed some one had put a treestand up next to my camera. So I figured I would have pictures of them on cam and I would be able to identify it. Well when I checked my cam the pictures stopped on 9/15 and started again on 9/21 and the image numbers between the dates were off by nearly 200 pictures... Some one decided to delete my pictures. I was beyond frustrated and am leaving a note on the treestand tomorrow. I knew something was wrong when I didn't see pictures of the tractor mowing and raking the alfalfa.. However if they were trying to delete the pictures with bucks and their evidence I still got this awesome 9 pt on cam