Choke chain or pinch collar? Don't let her just pull. I think the pinch is way easier on you and the dog. "Pop" her with the collar and let it go slack. While walking, change direction quickly, give her a serious pop with the collar and tell her to "heel". Repeat whenever she gets put in front of you (even before she starts to pull). Keep after her. A good dog has lots of energy, but they're also trainable. Be consistent, be firm and be patient! Don't loose your temper but don't give in either. It's critical that you win but do so calmly. You MUST be the top dog in the team. She'll figure out the it's more comfortable to play by your rules as long as you make it so. Be stern and certain with corrections and overly effusive with praise when she does right! Love training a high powered dog, but it can be a challenge. Good luck!