I don't know if it should be law, it is here in rifle season, not bow or muzzleloader. I think it's a good idea, especially in heavily hunted areas, I wouldn't go without and I'm likely to not see another hunter in a 10 mile radius but to each his own. However, I like some of teeroy's ideas and was hoping that as President he might consider helping Canada out with some of their problems, throw out the gun control bill, move say a couple million immigrants back to where they came from, not the working ones of course, just the ones who are sitting around collecting the welfare I'm getting taxed. Maybe he could ensure we also speak one language' Canadian EH!" not 15 or 20 different ones, french, Spanish, Chinese, you name it. But if he closes the border entirely how are the U.S residents going to get their big honking Saskatchewan bucks back across the border!LOL