Hunt IT
Couple thoughts here guys.
-Was kinda surprised I got eye rolls and "ridiculous" comments.....wheres the IW love I used to know? LOL
-We are talking about a 99 cent app here so lets not go overboard.
-This app has nothing to do with woodsmanship. I see no correlation whatsoever to owning a phone and developing/improving ones woodsmanship. Its a very simple tool to make life easier for those who happen to own an Android platform phone- nothing more.
-I dont see how carrying a phone in your pocket lessons ones experience in the woods. If anything, for me at least, it extends the time I'm am out by keeping me occupied during long mid day down times.
-I was guilty of reading between the lines in a few comments as well Dark Archer, but that's what it is.
-For those of you with positive comments or encouragement....Thanks.
-I am OK with negative comments, but when I make one I usually try to have some background in the matter, though I have very rarely ever made any here at IW regarding other members endeavors.
Liv, the first version will not be GPS enabled (though it does have a spot to enter them if desired). That will be an update down the road.
I am working on a youtube video Demo for the Market Place. When I complete it I will post here.
OneCam, thanks for letting me post this!
Lastly, I didn't think anyone was pissed...:way: