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new phone - Android - apps?

During bow season i was using a lot of the weather/moon phase apps to see hr to hr when the wind was gona shift and what stand to use. In the mornings in some of the darker areas i would turn my camera light on and off for a flashilight. Once i got in the stand i would play a lot of cribbage and solitare!!!
what sort of apps do any of you recommend? :way:

I use the internet sometimes, I check the weather often, Google Earth a lot, and yes, get the Advanced Task Killer.

I have my GPS on only when I am going hunting by myself. As stated it drains your battery.

Heck I even started texting, and I swore I would never do that………hard for an old man to change. :eek:

hahaha, NOT with that apple crap....

AT&T service sucks, but the iphone is far superior and will shortly be available for Verizon. i have had a droid for a year now and can have extensively played with the iphone... trust me, far better machine. same goes for PCs vs Mac.... why people use anything but that Apple crap is beyond me....

But what do I know

Lookout security is way more than antivirus software. It has several important features that all droid phone owners should have, and its free.

I agree that the task killer apps are pretty much worthless and actually do more harm than good.

How do you get apps on your phone?? This is what old guys like you use isn't it? :) :)
Muddy you really need to get the range finder app. I will never have to buy another range finder.
I have had a Droid X for 6 months, and the free apps I like are the Bible app, I don't have to carry a paper version to church, it allows You to pick what version you want, daily bible app, gives you a new verse for the day, gps status app, which marks locations and has a compass, Where app, tells u weather, sunrise/sunset schedule, movies at any theater, restaurants, Weatherbug app, Scanner radio app which is a police scanner, Barcode app for pricing info, FM radio app,turns phone into a radio,Driod light app, turns your phone into a bright L.E.D. Flashlight. Task killer app, Battery level app, anti virus app, facebook app. The Droid X is an impressive phone, swype texting is sweet.
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I don't believe that youu posted that and then read the clinometer post within a minute muddy, calling your bluff.
All you guys with those things are cheatin!!! Im stayin oldschool with my blackberry:D

I have a black berry storm for sale:D

I forgot photobucket. I just had a screen burn out on my old laptop and just hated having to buy a new one, as I rarely used it, except for business. The Droid X does everything, and does it fast. I predict that no one will even be using home computers in the very near future. No need, the smart phone does it all. Oh yea, it does make great phone calls too.
How did you grow up?


How do you get apps on your phone?? This is what old guys like you use isn't it? :) :)

That is funny…………… :D

I remember having one of those crank phones in the old farm house that I grew up in. We used it, heck all of the people on the line could listen to your phone conversation.

So while we are bashing the elderly………..;)

The house I grew up in had no running water in the house as a kid, there was a small hand pump in the kitchen at the sink.

There was no in door plumbing what so ever! We used a two hole outhouse that was 30 yards from the back door. Get fun needing to do a number 2 in the middle of the night.

My mother used a hand crank wringer washing machine and all of the clothing was hung to dry on and clothes line.

Did I mention there were 7 kids in the family????????

Life was good!

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