Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

New Plotter


Premium Platinum Member
WEll guys I have been toying around with plots the last few years, doing some smaller ones, and finally did a 1/2 acre sized plot this spring. Problem is my ignorance has shown through once again. I was under the assumption that the mix I was getting was majority white clover. Well, I went and checked it out and it is growing like crazy!!! But it didnt look right..... Well I went back and reexamined the bag to find out I planted 60% rye, that some rape, and only about 10% clover... UGH.

Not what I wanted. BUT, have any of you had any success with rye, especially a sping seeding?? ANd do you mow this stuff.

It will mature and will be no good by the time deer season arrives, both the rye and rape. The clover will still attract deer. If it were me I'd till the plot you planted under in early August and plant a plot of all brassicas, use plenty of fertilizer though.

Even the good ones are dirty. They are good at goose hunting, and thats about it.

-yours truly
I would suggest spraying it with round up. Your going to kill your plot now, and also any weeds. Replant come fall.
This is an example of why I don't care for pre-mixed seed marketed to hunters but on the otherhand (and I'm not picking on you here) had you turned the bag over and look at the tag on the back you would have seen exactly what was in it.

That mix would have been perfect for fall but not so much in the spring.

Not a big deal in either event as you have lot's of options...

Spray the rye with clethodim (Select) - nannyslayer can help you out with that...;)

Clip the rye occasionaly

Allow the rye to grow and mature and don't worry about it! It really won't hurt anything either way and if you do nothing the rye will eventually mature and look like this.


So no worries and next time look over the types of seeds in the bag so you can plant at the appropriate time or choose a different seed combination....:way:
Yes, I know I am just an idiot. I just got so excited to be doing it on time!!! You can pick on me all you want. I will have to take some pictures to show you my awesome kill plot.................IN JUNE..

I do feel so dumb for buying what I did. But the way it was explained to me was that the rye would just serve as a cover plant.
I do feel so dumb for buying what I did. But the way it was explained to me was that the rye would just serve as a cover plant.

It will Gunny but not if planted in the spring.

Like Dbl. said it would of been a killer fall plot.

That is what I have mine in getting ready to plow down in Late July.
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