Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

New Sask guy on the block!!

Welcome to the site!

It's always fun having someone from another whitetail haven on this forum.

Look forward to seeing your posts.
Glad you joined up Dean. I have some buddies up here that hunt but none of them come close to being as serious about their hunting as Dean. If he lived closer he'd have to deal with me in his man cave way too often.

He's also modest as hell, has never used a gun and has killed some very big deer with his bow, too modest. I'd also say he's unselfish as he put some others on great deer this yr. It was with his encouragement I decided to go full force with the bow, glad he did. he's a wealth of knowledge and I'm glad I met him.
I'll post your pics if you can't figure it out.
Here's a teaser.....like I said, way too modst, there are way more where this one came from...and even bigger ones...modest.
Here's another one of his great bucks.

If you want Dean I cn post some more and you can tell about them.
I posted some pics on another thread, but yeah, post em up here if you like Kaare, and I'll tell the otheres about whichever they are interested in....Bt I don't think i have pics of anything that can contend with the monsters I've been viewing here!! Forgive me for not posting on others threads yet, my keyboard is soaked in drool...

Now this fall...Well I was kinda a jerk to old Kaare... I picked on him alot anytime he mentioned dusting off his boom stick... But it was all in good intention Kaare...I promise :/... I just seen lots of guys try the bow and switch back way too soon. I figure if ones going to try bowhunting, stick with it until you get your first harvest and then decide. I feel so bad for all those that have tried bowhunting and put down their bow before ever harvesting an animal... When you finally get one, thats when the pay-off of all your hard work begins, and I dont think one can judge bowhunting until this high is felt...

Glad tyou stuck it out bud!!! And we both know we will see many more pics of you with monster whitetails regardless what weapons in the pic.
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