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New shotgun for turkey hunting


PMA Member
Looking in to getting a new shotgun for turkey hunting. Most stores have been slim on inventory. I was looking for a stoeger w/ steady grip. Any other recommendations for a dedicated turkey gun or locations that might have a decent selection? Hoping to stay around 800 dollar mark.
I bought the TC Encore Turkey last year only goes to 3 inch , tried TSS loads no looking back .. Love the gun !!!!
Go big - Remington SP-10. Nothing like letting that 10ga roar!!!!
I’m not a Turkey hunter but I’ve seen those rip. Pretty cool. I’m sure I’d run that or ask the gun store if “they make an 8 gauge by chance?!?” ;).
I love my old Mossberg. I don't get too carried away with the weapon on turkeys, just put a cheap red-dot on it and put it on their head. Love turkey hunting but it seems like it's not a complicated game. At least gun hunting them - bow hunting them is another deal!
I’m not a Turkey hunter but I’ve seen those rip. Pretty cool. I’m sure I’d run that or ask the gun store if “they make an 8 gauge by chance?!?” ;).
Can’t tell you how many turkeys I have killed with it, I bought it in 2000 and have killed at least 2 Turks a year since, never gets old hearing that canon roar
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