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New Trees and Weed Control


World Member
I just planted 3000 trees and did spray with round up on rows before planting trees. I was wondering what I could spray to kill the grass in between my tree rows and even on tree rows that wouldnt harm my little saplings. Thanks.
I've always used Princep around my trees for that.There may be something better.I'm sure someone will know.Good luck.
Princep is a good one, safe and reasonable but sometimes limited effectiveness. Surflan is approved for many trees. Oust is excellent but it's a Restricted Use Pesticide and very very expensive.
Journey herbicide will work for many trees, it also contains Roundup...and it's 300 bucks a gallon.
I would try your luck with Roundup and Princep first.
You beat me to it Skully. That is the question I was going to ask. Maybe I didnt explain my situation good enough. I want something that I can spray over the trees or if it blows on the trees it wont kill them but will kill everything else. Thanks and sorry if I wasnt clear enough before.
Yes, round-up will most likely kill your trees. You can make a shield out of stove pipe or sheet metal to keep the RU off the tree, which works pretty well. Not as handy as spraying right over the top though.
I believe poast is approved for most trees (??) but will only kill grasses.
I did not have that great of luck with Princep. It is fairly cheap and easy to apply, but for me it only controlled the foxtail which comes on later in the summer. Perhaps I didnt apply it strong enough or at the right time, but I saw very little control of broadleaves.
Round-up in a good back pack sprayer and a tree shield is the only cheap and effective method I have tried, but you may need to do it twice a year. Dont have the green to spare for Oust.
I was checking out a label for Pramitol E25 (I think thats right?) and it was a ground clearing chemical that was supposed to eliminate all vegitation for 1 year. It stated that it had no control over woody vegitation (trees) so I wonder if that wouldnt be a good answer for a spray over the top season long chemical? Anybody tried it or know what it costs? Something tells me it either wont work or costs $2 million an ounce.

Whatever you do it is worth the effort. The trees I have protected from deer and weed/grass competition have outgrown the others 2:1 and in many cases 4:1.
I do pretty much the same thing as TP...I screw a 2x2 to a 5 gallon bucket/upside down and walk along, pop it over the tree and spray with my backpack sprayer (Roundup)and i have the same mediocre results with Princep unless I put it on really heavy. Anymore it's cheaper and less hassle for me to just do the bucket/roundup combo.
Surflan and Fullisade are the only other options that come to mind at the moment...or win the lotto and go with Oust

I have some links to those herbicides in the tree planting post:

Please correct me if I'm wrong. Roundup will only kill the trees if it gets on the foliage was my understanding. Of course that would rule out very small seedlings, pines, conifers, etc. How much area around the tree's are you killing.
Please correct me if I'm wrong. Roundup will only kill the trees if it gets on the foliage was my understanding. Of course that would rule out very small seedlings, pines, conifers, etc. How much area around the tree's are you killing.

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That's right, just cover the foliage and your all set. Conifers are safe to spray over the top when they are not actively growing like in the fall...right now they need to be covered also.
I'll dig up some info on roundup and conifers when I get a chance.
I have had decent results with prowl sprayed over new plantings for pre-emergent control. A tree planting contractor that I worked with this spring at my work place swears by oust treatment once the soil temps are below 50. I am going to give the a rip on the company dime this dormant season and see how it works before I invest for my own use. Did the roundup and bucket program for two years on a 5,000 tree planting that had brome. Worked fine, but dont want to do that again.
According to my gov't contract I have to keep everything between the trees and between the rows either mowed or killed off for 3 yrs. Mowing the 6 acres that it is on is getting a little much for my little lawn mower and I cant afford a tractor at this time. Trees are spaced 8-10' apart and tree rows are the same. They did spray the rows before planting so at this moment that isnt a issue but there are some weeds starting to peak out of the ground.
Bwhntr, as an alternative to a tractor you might try a Swisher rough cut trail mower which can be pulled by an ATV. They are much better suited for heavy mowing than an ordinary lawn mower and cheaper than a tractor (if you already have an ATV). I used one for your purpose for 3 years prior to getting a small tractor w/a bush hog.
However, I do have to say the tractor works much better than the Swisher. Mostly because it allows you to mow closer to the tree and is much more manuverable allowing you to mow in between each tree within a row. That is one area where a smaller tractor beats a bigger one.
I'd be careful if you choose the roundup route. You'll definately need to make sure you don't get any on the foliage. I planted about 50 siberian crab apple trees in my yard last year, I nuked all of them but 3 while carelessly spraying roundup to kill the grass encroaching on them.
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