New Whitetails, Inc. Web Show – Beyond the Gobbler Dome

WKP - Todd

New Member
On this weeks Whitetails, Inc. – we get a little Turkeys, Inc. on ya – “Beyond the Gobbler Dome”. This past spring my good buddy Eddie Edmondson traveled from North Carolina to chase some spring gobblers with me. What I didn’t realize at the time was how much action was coming our way. There were times when I feared for my life, but then I realized Turkey’s will very rarely attack humans. Thank goodness for that, cause when we go turkey hunting, truly anything can happen! In the next 3 episodes of Whitetails, Inc. – there will be blood…. Enjoy the carnage! Check it out at
Looking forward to checking it out! Your webs shows are some of the best out there. Keep 'em coming!!!
Turkeys do attack people... My good friend used to hatch them and let them wonder around his yard. When you pulled up the drive way they would run off. As soon as you got out of the truck and put your back to them the would attack:) once you moved towards them they would run off again.
But the moment you stopped they'd get their beer muscles back. The DEC ended up capturing the turkeys because they would wonder into town and chase old lady's and rollerbladers, etc. I swear this is all true!!!
That's awesome! I wish I would get attacked by a flock on-camera! That's drama right there! Thanks for watching brother!
I just caught the show can't wait to see the next one! I wish we did video it, that would of made Americas funniest video for sure!