PMA Member
New Year's eve was good to me. Good way to end 2014. Got in the stand at about 3:00. Didn't have much action until a doe and her two fawns came into the plot. At about 4:30 the plot came alive. Started with a few does and then within 10 minutes we had 5 bucks and the does all in a small plot. A few decent bucks stepped in and started nudging the does around and then two bucks started sparring. 4:45 a good 8 stepped into my shooting lane and I pulled the trigger. He dropped at the shot and I thought it was game over. He tried getting back up a few times but couldn't. I started to reload and by the time my gun was loaded, he had run off and I wasn't sure what happened. I backed out and gave him time. Went back after an hour and followed light blood for 50 yards but didn't have enough blood to keep going in the dark. Brought some help to find him on new years day. Tracked blood another 50 yards and found him dead. Not a monster but an exciting hunt and good buck!