The blind is like the scheels blind. I actually saw the blind at scheels but heard that Ameristep made it so I called them and had them ship me their version. Great blind and thanks for the compliments.
I think you could get away with riding a moped in a double bull. We would call it the bull of death. I dont care what kind of blind you shot it from or what kind of moped you ride thats a nice bird. And any bird killed with a bow gets a hats off from me.
thanks for the compliments and it has been tough connecting on a bird for me. They just don't always do what I want them too. I had hunted with a gun for a long time and wanted to change. When I hunted with a gun I was relaxed and patient. I forgot all that when I bow hunted and I just started to remember it. I don't call as much anymore and has worked out way better for me. Good luck to all of you and hope to see more pic. I went and got another tag so hopefully I will have another chance to connect.
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