Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

No luck


Saw 13 does and yearlings out of stand tonight. No bucks. Can't believe nothing was sniffing around on nov 6
Your not the only one, last night the ol' man had 15 does, not a single buck in sight. I said... wtf, its nov 5th
3 of us sat all day yesterday (Nov 6). 33 hours combined on stand and we saw 3 small bucks and a doe with a fawn. To say we were all discouraged was an understatement. Today is another day...
I've been reading on here about how people have been seeing tons of chasing, when it has been pretty quiet in the woods for me.

Well, yesterday afternoon was better, saw 5 bucks from the stand.

The drive to work this morning, deer were running everywhere.

I'll be in a tree all day both days this weekend. ;)
Its been like that in my area to. have not seen any chasing at all and the night before last I seen some doe fawn pairs.. On January 1st i put all next week on the calendar for vacation I sure hope it picks up.. Next Tuesday highs in the thirties so hopefully it'll be good and if not a bad week in the treestand trumps a good week at work
I've been reading on here about how people have been seeing tons of chasing, when it has been pretty quiet in the woods for me.

Well, yesterday afternoon was better, saw 5 bucks from the stand.

The drive to work this morning, deer were running everywhere.

I'll be in a tree all day both days this weekend. ;)

I saw two good chases last evening as I drove from Iowa City to Lone Tree. Stay patient, things can change in a minute right now.
From everything I have seen things are just starting to heat up. Witnessed a Buck and Doe breeding on my way into work this morning. Sure makes it hard to think about work when you know it about to get good.
Your not alone, seeing plenty of deer, but have not had the wild "rut hunt" that we all dream about yet. It will happen.
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