Life Member
As far as I am concerned, this is the best system in the union! If we open it up to NR Landowners then the NR non-land owners will bitch until they get their way. It won't be long and it will be like Wisconsin or Minnesota (No where to hunt and very limited quality deer). Iowa would soon be just another State to hunt and the "Trophy" possibilities would be few and far between.
I used to hunt both Minnesota and Wisconsin. Both of those States have been ruined by non-residents. I would hate to see Iowa turn into a State like that!
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what Wisconsin and Minnesota are you hunting in? Last i checked, the #1 producer of B&C bucks was Wisconsin. Land access? Both WI and MN have huge tracts of public land, many of which are fairly uncrowded. In WI this is especially true if you go to the local DNR office and find out what people have their land in the Managed Forest Law and have to open some up to public hunting.
I have no problem with an NR cap. however, as long as a non-resident is a TAXPAYER , they should enjoy more rights than a regular non-resident.
I can't help but wonder, is this whole "NR Scare" a genuine view of your average Iowan, or is it of the uncompromising minority view of the Iowa Bowhunters Assoc?
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What difference does it make really? If you really have a problem with the way things are handled, your best bet would be to contact our state legislators.......the same way the IBA does for those of us that support them.
As far as I am concerned, this is the best system in the union! If we open it up to NR Landowners then the NR non-land owners will bitch until they get their way. It won't be long and it will be like Wisconsin or Minnesota (No where to hunt and very limited quality deer). Iowa would soon be just another State to hunt and the "Trophy" possibilities would be few and far between.
I used to hunt both Minnesota and Wisconsin. Both of those States have been ruined by non-residents. I would hate to see Iowa turn into a State like that!
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what Wisconsin and Minnesota are you hunting in? Last i checked, the #1 producer of B&C bucks was Wisconsin. Land access? Both WI and MN have huge tracts of public land, many of which are fairly uncrowded. In WI this is especially true if you go to the local DNR office and find out what people have their land in the Managed Forest Law and have to open some up to public hunting.
I have no problem with an NR cap. however, as long as a non-resident is a TAXPAYER , they should enjoy more rights than a regular non-resident.
I can't help but wonder, is this whole "NR Scare" a genuine view of your average Iowan, or is it of the uncompromising minority view of the Iowa Bowhunters Assoc?
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What difference does it make really? If you really have a problem with the way things are handled, your best bet would be to contact our state legislators.......the same way the IBA does for those of us that support them.