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Nockturnal lighted nocks...WOW!


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't believe this unless I saw the picture with my own eyes.
I shot my buck on November 1st of this year. He was standing in knee high grass when I shot him and my buddy and I looked and looked for my arrow but never could find it.
I shoot Nockturnals and just figured it was buried somewhere deep in the grass and I'd never see it again.
Well, my buddy was hunting that same stand last night and sent me this picture when he was done with his hunt. He found my arrow about 20 yards away on the trail my buck ran off on. 9 days later and the nock was still glowing. That's incredible! Their website says they have a battery life of 20 hours, but I can attest it's a lot longer than that!
Out of curiosity, does that mean that their quality has gone back up to the pre-Rage buyout? Not trying to knock on Rage (no pun intended), but I have a set of pre-Rage Nokturnals and they are solid. A little over a year ago, I bought my daughter Nokturnals after Rage bought them out and two/three in the pack would quit working completely after a few shots. I exchanged them for new packs and had the same thing happen. Then started reading about pre- vs. post-Rage buyout and this occurrence appeared to be common. I hope your observation is a sign of a change in quality! If they are back to being a solid product, I'll go back to buying them! Anyone have any insight on their recent quality (from a little over a year ago)?
AZ, I've had these particular nocks for 4 years now, so I'm assuming they are pre buyout. I have no experience with the newer ones. I'll be in the market for new ones next year since at least 1 in my quiver has stopped working.
I'll have to check the package, but mine may be pre-buyout as well (probably definitely if buyout was a year ago). I bought two 3 packs a couple years ago and only opened one pack to try them out. Just can't remember if there is a Rage logo on the package or not (I believe the new ones have the logo, correct?). I need to replace the ones I'm currently using because they don't always come on now (probably either due to many target shots or batteries are now basically dead).
I have six pre-buyout from 3-4 years ago and one is finally dying on me. The new packages all have the Rage logo. There was a thread on this a year ago or so and Kratz turned me towards Two Guys Bowshop knocks. They are just like the original Nokturnals, but you can buy six for the price of three Nokturnals. I know several others made the switch. I'll have to dig up the thread and link Kratz sent me. I really hate agreeing with a Hawkeye, but he was dead on. If you're reading this, Jarin, you know I love you! ;)
I recently bought a set and they have the Rage logo on the box. So far there hasn't been an issue with them but I just got them prior to this season so I don't really have a whole lot of experience to base my opinion on.
I started using Nockturnal nocks and was happy with them. But for the past several years, I've used some from TGBarchery.com. They make their own, just like Nockturnals for half the price. Have had great luck with them.
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