Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Non harvest!


PMA Member
With all of the nice bucks going down I have a contrary story to report...I missed one last Saturday evening. Harummphh! I was trying to self film, which is quite difficult and I salute those that do it successfully. My son was only too glad to edit the video and post it on Youtube so I thought I would round out the ignominy and share my poor shooting with the IW folks. :grin:

The buck I was taking aim at is one that we have on camera for three years now and that was a key factor in my decision to shoot. He is an aggressive personality and I think he is one of the more dominant bucks in our area. Not the biggest rack in the neighborhood, but one that certainly appears to hold sway with the other bucks that we commonly see.

We actually have a series of pics of him earlier this fall tearing one of our "6x6 rub trees" out of the ground in one particularly aggressive sequence. The short version of why I missed is that I had already alerted him somewhat when I bumped my grunt call while trying to see my viewfinder better. (You can hear the noise at the :47 second mark on the video segment.)

I had moved the camera arm out of the way of the anticipated shot and then I couldn't see the viewfinder...well, like I said, it is hard to self film!:) I deliberately did not mrrrp him to stop him since I suspected he would bolt, but I waited for him to stop naturally. Alas, it was all to no avail, when I took the shot a few minutes later, he really jumped the string and ducked the arrow.

Here is the video clip, yes, I gave up trying to keep him in the frame at the end. Oh yeah...please note the "Dbltree influence" in the video...there is at least one hinged tree in the background and the plot that he was coming into is one that I planted myself, but it is the Dbltree fall mix of rye/peas/oats/clover and it has been grazed heavily. This plot has had A LOT of action in it already this year. It is the definition of what Paul preaches, it is secluded and the deer are in almost all the time.


Here are a few pics of him, I suspect I will see him again... :grin:




Added note - I know he will not score well, but that really doesn't matter to me. Although we are not 100% certain, we think that this buck was a "SOOS" a couple of years ago. (SOOS - spike on one side.) If it is him, we had a about 8" spike on the right side 2 years ago and a modest 4 point side on the left side. We called him Wierdo that year and saw him several times. I doubt this buck ever grows a normal left side, but who knows. If he gets in front of me again he is in for it though!!
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Cool vid and glad you can keep your humor about it. I bet you get another chance...good luck the rest of the way.
That's awesome, other than the missing part. That deer will not score very good, but he is an awesome old buck. Good luck with him later. Thanks for sharing.
Bummer on the miss but look at the bright side you get to

stay in the game. Thanks for sharing the video.
Cool video! I have started this year to self video my hunts as well and it is so challenging!
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