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Interesting question here. How often do you think booners are killed here in Iowa but not entered into Boone and Crockett. The reason I ask is that I have been doing a lot of research into record book deer and where(county and state) they are being killed. Wisconsin, Illinois,Kentucky Ohio and a few others according to the records kill more booners then here in Iowa. Personally, I don't believe that. I think we probably kill a lot more booners then get reported. I have friends and acquaintances that I know haven't recorded huge bucks, some over 200 inches and many more between 170-200. So, what are your opinions ?
I would venture to guess as much as 50% are not entered. I personally have six deer that qualify for one book or another but none are entered. The reason being is that I do not like how B&C and P&Y have handled procedures regarding some deer in the past. It should be about honoring the animals instead of picking and choosing what stories they like. Too many blind eyes turned IMO.
I think that in the era of theft of big bucks people don't want their name associated with the killing of a huge deer. I know of several 200" bucks that people have never had officially scored or entered. I think you would see more bucks at the Iowa Deer Classic if you could enter them without supplying the name of the hunter. Obviously the DNR would be provided the name and such but the buck could be displayed without naming the hunter. Too many big deer get stolen in burglaries every year and some people just dont want any recognition. Just my opinion.
Who's to say they are all getting reported in WI. I believe many states are under reported for the reasons mentioned above.
My guess is more Booners are shot in Iowa per acre of habitat. How many go unregistered, hard to say, probably a lot!

Wisconsin has way more cover overall, as does Missouri and MN. Missouri and MN (may) increase numbers over time with new restrictions/management changes. Iowa has the best overall set up right now with the late gun season.
I would venture to say as hogh as 70% are un documented. I know one fella that killed his 14th that goes over 180 net with a bow this past fall. He is 55 yrs old. I can't even guess how many py bucks he has put an arrow through but its a big number. There are a lot of people that enjoy hunting big deer that coukd care less about the books. I know that you will never see my name in any book. Thats just me, to each their own. I like readimg big buck stories just as much as the next guy
The same goes with world class shed antlers. Some of the big name antler collectors think they have the biggest of the big but I bet there are so many huge sheds that either get eaten by squirrels or thrown in a barn that it would make your head spin
My reasoning is very simple for not entering any bucks into P & Y or BC. I'm a tighta**. Why would a guy pay , I think it is $20, to have your name put in.
I'd say a lot don't get reported too. Theft, poaching, increased hunting pressure, or driving up the price of land in your area would be viable reasons not to enter the record books, or show off at deer shows.
I agree with all of the reasons listed above. The new KS record was killed within 2 miles of my leases. It is still green scoring but you can look it up. It was the 2013 KS Monster buck. The guy that killed it is super conservative and didnt want to show anyone pictures. I am SHOCKED that he took it to the show! Luckily he only had to tell them the county it was killed.
I am from another popular state and have 3 bucks that net book. I would never enter one because I have already lost to much land to out of state buyers. My county is not well known for big deer and we want to keep it that way. I know of 10 bucks that net over 180 from my county since 2000 and none of them have been entered. Whenever we hear about one we always go see the guy and explain to him if he wants to have a place to hunt in the future or if he wants to keep land prices from going through the roof he should think long and hard before he enters his.

The record maps I've looked at aren't close to reality. I remember comparing my old home county in MI to VB co in Iowa - they showed the same. In short, it was pure silliness.

Very few guys here I know enter their bucks. ALSO- remember, 5% of Iowa is timbered. 50%+ of many states, like WI, MI, MN, etc - are timbered. That's obviously 10x the habitat. Then, 5-10 times the deer #'s period. And 10x the amount of hunters. In the "mediocre" states- I bet more % enter their B&C's because it's so much more of a "big deal". Here, KS, etc - it's more of the norm & "not as big of deal". Just my 2 cents. Good thread!

*Side note - off topic!!.... Folks not wanting to enter because of the attention, competition for land, theft, attention to area... I agree with that. Yet, as a state, we still have a Governor Tag program to effectively reach & market to millions of folks across the country to put a "giant whitetail hunting" bullseye right on Iowa with repeat Marketing which is effective, extremely effective even today. Boggles the mind.
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I'm not sure if anyone else has seen this but it really woke me up here. Our Amish processor was cross referencing names/ bucks and keeping track of this. He actually came out and tried to lease our ground. When we asked him why our area he told us what they had done. With their group they were willing to offer upwards of 50 per acre! A group of them bought 15 acres of pure field about 1.5 miles away and they threw up their 6 shooting houses along the line. Now they bring 6+ hunters out and hunt all day during gun season.
Been state record deer taken and sold in my area. Taken with spot lights its bad here. I'd say 80% not recorded maybe higher.
This thread made me stop and think about the "Jordan Buck" and just how long it stayed out of the books; and, of the journey it took to get there. For all the right reasons stated above, there has got to be some great racks tucked away in this state with great stories yet to be told.
I know somebody who has 15-20 dead bucks within the 150s-230s area and he hasn't reported them some are huge typical. He has them just hanging in his barn.

His reasoning is almost the same as what you guys are saying. He's not a people person either so if people started showing up he wouldn't be happy.
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Whenever I shoot a nice deer I don't tell anybody,
I skin it out right away, burn the hide and grind the antlers into powder and scatter them in the wind
I haven't entered any of my deer in either book. I had my two biggest scored at the Classic a few years ago, when the scorer asked me for my entry fee for P/Y and B/C I giggled and told him he could write me a check if he'd like my deer included in his book.

I don't even take my deer to the Classic anymore. I don't need the attention from thieves, trespassers, other hunters, or anybody else to know that I have a trophy on my wall.
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