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I would venture to say as hogh as 70% are un documented. I know one fella that killed his 14th that goes over 180 net with a bow this past fall. He is 55 yrs old. I can't even guess how many py bucks he has put an arrow through but its a big number. There are a lot of people that enjoy hunting big deer that coukd care less about the books. I know that you will never see my name in any book. Thats just me, to each their own. I like readimg big buck stories just as much as the next guy
The same goes with world class shed antlers. Some of the big name antler collectors think they have the biggest of the big but I bet there are so many huge sheds that either get eaten by squirrels or thrown in a barn that it would make your head spin
14 Booners with a Bow is quite an accomplishment. Hes probably the only person in the world that has done it. He should be getting a free bow every year at least. And I doubt its been done with a gun either.
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In my opinion if your lucky enough to take an animal that qualifies for B&C or P&Y you should show some gratitude and donate a measly $35 to enter your animal to show some appreciation for what these especially B&C has and does for hunting and fishing.

125-YEAR SNAPSHOT: Boone and Crockett Club 1887-2012
It is the mission of the Boone and Crockett Club to promote the conservation and management of wildlife, especially big game, and its habitat, to preserve and encourage hunting and to maintain the highest ethical standards of fair chase and sportsmanship in North America.*

*Language adapted from the Certificate of Incorporation of the Boone and Crockett Club, May 23, 1923, Washington, D.C., as presented by Theodore Roosevelt, Charles Sheldon, Kermit Roosevelt, George Bird Grinnell, et al.

  • Oldest wildlife conservation organization in North America – founding in 1887 by Theodore Roosevelt and George Bird Grinnell
  • Initiator and champion of the first National Parks, including Yellowstone, Glacier, Denali, and Grand Canyon Initiator and champion of the first legislation for wildlife, including the Timberland Reserve Bill, Yellowstone Protection Act, Lacey Act, Migratory Bird Treaty Act, and Alaskan Game Laws
  • Champion of the earliest science-based wildlife management efforts and legislation, including the National Wildlife Refuge System Act, and the creation of the Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units
  • Champion of the first legislations funding wildlife conservation, including the Wildlife Restoration Act (Pittman-Robertson), and the federal Duck Stamp Act
  • Pioneered and established the principles of responsible, ethical, and sustainable use hunting known as Fair Chase
  • Created the first big game scoring and data collection system to objectively measure and evaluate species and population health and habitat quality to improve state and federal wildlife polices and management
  • Initiator and champion of all of the principle federal land management agencies, including the US First Service, National Park Service, Bureau of Land Management, and the US Fish and Wildlife Service
  • Spawned and supported key wildlife conservation organizations, including the New York Zoological Society (1895), National Audubon Society (1905), Wildlife Management Institute (1911), National Wildlife Federation (1937), Ducks Unlimited (1937), and American Wildlife Conservation Partners (2000)
I have entered some of mine into P&Y and have some more I want to enter but just haven't got around to it. There is no doubt a lot of big deer do not make it into the book. The P&Y and B&C clubs don't get the respect they did 15-20 yrs ago. I don't claim to know why. I have scored my share of Deer for people, and a lot of them are pretty misinformed about the scoring method used by P&Y and B&C. For example it seems to be the norm these days to take a non typical rack and just add everything up, and there you go. Some hunters believe that's the way you actually score them. I think others know that if they get it officially scored, they will end up with a smaller number. The term non typical gross gets tossed around quite a bit these days, hell some of the TV folks do it. But you wont find an entry for it on an official score sheet.
Ha, this is a interesting thread....

I've legal harvested over a dozen book deer that could have been entered but have no interest in advertising what counties I hunt in whether its in state or out of state. I don't believe that advertising where you hunt will serve you well into the future. Entering a bunch of record book deer only brings attention to your area and the guys that want to kill big deer follow, especially the guys that live in non big buck states: Pa, Al, Ga, Fl, etc.....

Those people ruined the area I hunted in Illinois.....
I highly doubt that he is the first to kill 14 with a bow. 3 tags a year and the best ground you can imagine. Just loves chasing big deer with a bow. In the right area, the right genetics. A lot of years spent in a tree. I'm sure that a lot of people have accomplished the same thing but as the title of the thread states. They just don't get entered into the books
I'm thinking more areas were "ruined" by tv shows and DVDs than entering deer into a record book that's been around for a long time, I'm also thinking that most people already know which counties and areas and states produce good deer
There is a reason for that. You put your name in a book 14 times. People look up your name, buy a plat book and all of a sudden you won't kill another one. Advertising where you hunt and what you kill will not get you very far in the killing big deer game.
14 net booners by a bow is quite a high number for anyone hunting fair chase. I believe it's possible and I'm sure there are a few people who could accomplish this. Gross seems much more logical as opposed to net, but we have to take your word for it.

I do know that I don't trust a score unless an official scorer has pulled the tape. Guys have a tendency to mis-measure their own deer on the high side or just ballpark inches quite often.
Gross yes. Smallest one of the 14 was officially scored at 171 6/8 I've seen the paperwork and the signature. And last time I checked 160 as a typical makes bc and 180 or 185 non typ. Someone correct me if I'm wrong
Rich77 said:
Gross yes. Smallest one of the 14 was officially scored at 171 6/8 I've seen the paperwork and the signature. And last time I checked 160 as a typical makes bc and 180 or 185 non typ. Someone correct me if I'm wrong

Trophies that meet the Awards minimum but not the All-Time minimum will be listed in the Awards book. Trophies that meet the All-Time minimum will be listed in both the Awards book, as well as "Records of North American Big Game."

Typical - 160 Awards / 170 All-Time
Non-Typical - 185 Awards / 195 All-Time
I have a friend in Illinois that entered his 188" into the B&C books, but was appauled by the disrespect he received from the panel of scorers. He said they made him feel like he wasn't a hunter at all with all the questions they asked. He felt like a criminal being questioned by the police rather than a hunter who legally harvested his best buck to date. I can understand some questions to keep the books honest and track for any poaching, but at what point do you take away from ethical hunters with these questions? Now I've never shot a B&C buck, but from my understanding P&Y is a lot better system to enter and more hunter friendly!
I entered one when I was like 12 or 14. It means nothing to me. I don't plan on ever doing it again.
Ive had mine scored, but never officially entered... doesn't make a big deal to me either way.. besides antler greed gets the best of people, in the worst of ways
I have a friend in Illinois that entered his 188" into the B&C books, but was appauled by the disrespect he received from the panel of scorers. He said they made him feel like he wasn't a hunter at all with all the questions they asked. He felt like a criminal being questioned by the police rather than a hunter who legally harvested his best buck to date. I can understand some questions to keep the books honest and track for any poaching, but at what point do you take away from ethical hunters with these questions? Now I've never shot a B&C buck, but from my understanding P&Y is a lot better system to enter and more hunter friendly!

why would a 188 need a panel? nobody gets interrogated thats rediculous. B&C and P&Y are the same system both are hunter friendly. I think this is just another post making up a story and disliking something they know nothing about.
Trophies that meet the Awards minimum but not the All-Time minimum will be listed in the Awards book. Trophies that meet the All-Time minimum will be listed in both the Awards book, as well as "Records of North American Big Game."

Typical - 160 Awards / 170 All-Time
Non-Typical - 185 Awards / 195 All-Time
Heck I'm 35 and been trying to harvest good deer for only 8 years, and I have 4 already that net above 160. The largest going 239 "which I put in the BC books" and payed 40 dollars. Figured I owed it to the respect of the animal. I have 20 more years to hit 55yrs old I believe 14 book deer is doable for even a scrub like me. This is IOWA! And I know of a lot of deer that dont get put in the books and its just because these guys could care less bottom line.
Only 1 of 9 that I have that would qualify for some sort of book is entered. Im 28 and Im not done yet ;) Most of mine came off of 50 acres or less. Give me 500 acres in the right area with good genetics I could hunt and control what's shot and I could see 14 net booners in 42 yrs of hunting do-able.
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