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Non-Res Landowners - How do they hunt annually?


Well-Known Member
Was listening to a podcast recently where a large IA landowner (Greg Glesinger) discussed his Iowa farms and his annual bowhunting on them in Iowa, but lives in Wisconsin full time? How does that work? Is there a way you can just buy an outfitter-type tag?

Not from IA, just curious.

Tons of respect for him after listening. The man knows deer and has been wildly successful in life and hunting.
  • Deleted by Hawk32
I did a search of a couple others that have YouTube channels that referenced Iowa Residents this year. Did a Google search and found it odd that other YouTube hunters had also lived at the same address…
Most guys just claim residency and have gotten away with it for years . DNR stopped going after them because a lot of them have deep pockets and good lawyers. I’m sure everyone knows a neighbor or two doing it. And here we are discussing landowner tags for actual residents .
Cos havnt stopped pursuing this. Actually it’s not hard to prove. Even if a guy has split residency he cant have his primary income generated in another state, pay taxes in another state, have mail delivery most of the year in another state etc. This is about an hour or two of work, a subpoena and search warrant, to prove.
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I know a neighbor's brother in law that got busted. His farm had a house on it that he rented out to a niece but used it as his residency. CO saw him driving by with MN plates and his truck and started investigating. CO really dug into the guy's history/taxes/fishing license in other states. This guy has a lot of money. They threw the book at him with falsifying documents (I'm not sure what the actual charge, but he was really worried about it). He got it pled down, but he now has to hunt as a non-resident.
To the original point…. Auction tags that go to charity…. Which is fantastic & probably has 99% support on that issue.
The next is the obvious…. Wait to draw during the other times or it can’t be dismissed that some zones are about a 50-65% chance of drawing a gun or ML tag each year. & if it’s “hunting” a guy wants to do as a NR…. Doe tags, small game, predator, etc.
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