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non resident IA hunt


New Member
Wanting to do a iowa non resident deer hunt. I have 1 preference point. I am not planning on going for 3 more years. Any suggestions or help on where to go? Not looking for a outfitter with fancy lodges and meals, I just want to hunt well managed ground. Any info will be appreciated.
I don't want to rain on your parade but if you're looking for "well managed ground" without paying for an outfitter then you're going to have a tough time. Most "well managed ground" is locked up pretty tight unless you have a friend or relative that owns the land. Our public grounds offer great hunting opportunities if you do your homework. Making a special trip out here and knocking on doors could give you some access to private land before the season starts. I may be interpreting what you're looking for differently than you are.
As to preference points and the draw, I've been one lucky SOB applying out of state, so who knows with someone in the Ia draw. Some of the lower pressure zones you could draw first time, but these probably have the least amount of deer/public land.

I also mirror the sentiment already posted in regards to the "well managed" part of your post. Public is public, not known for "trophy" management, more like herd management. Best bet would be a trip to knock on doors to try to gain access to private with public as a fall back. I would suggest that you make the knock on door trip before fall. As a landowner/hunter, those knocking on the door the week of season opener get the biggest NO!
I am looking for a outfitter. I just don't want one that runs a bunch of hunters through it letting them shoot 120" deer.
Finding outfitters that do not run a bunch of guys thru will be a chore! You will pay very well if you find one!
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