Ha, no your just an ignorant, typical of a guy of your "stature"
Entitlement is a right, your not a resident therefor you hunting in Iowa is a privilege.
I don't know what you are getting at Booner. I'm actually a farmer who owns my land and lived in Iowa my whole life. NR's hunting Iowa has zero affect on me! I just get tired of nonresidents landowners trying to change our hunting regulations.
After buying the land in Iowa did the regulations change for a NR? Why do you think that you should get the privilege that we Iowans have? We don't get the same privileges in other NR states? Did you just realize this year that your kid would also be a non-resident hunter? BECAUSE HE'S NOT FROM IOWA!!! This same topic comes up every year and it is the same discussion. Sell your land to an Iowa resident who can actually get some use out of it!
I can only imagine the madness that would follow if they started giving preference to nr landowners. There is a reason a nr Iowa tag is a golden ticket, do we want to become Wisconsin? You commit to be a res or you follow the level playing field all nr have to follow. It bugs me because it doesn't have to be fair and even. Somethings you just have to wait for. When they come of age and still love to hunt they can go to college here, move here, whatever they chose. Patience is maybe the most important part of hunting (besides safety but they go hand in hand) so do we want to give instant gratification to kids now? I have 3 and its super hard to give them a solid foundation in this liberal era we live in with participation trophies and coddling. I busted my hump as a kid and still do, even if you earned everything you have grinding it out doesn't mean you get what you want in the end, that is life.
Yep it changed for me. Absolutely it did!!!! When I bought my farm archery doe tags were allowed for NR every year. Then the rule changed. So you cannot use that argument.
I agree with 90% of what you are saying. Right now, I just wish a NR landowner could get one doe tag per 40 at a reasonable price (in counties which have good deer populations). The tag could be used for various seasons.
If I could buy ground in Colorado and get a resident elk or mule deer tag every year when I'm not a resident I would already have done so. It's no different I already know that's not possible. Deal with the rules, move here, or sell.
The very least Colorado could do is let the landowners kids hunt every year on the land they OWN! That would give us grownups an excuse to hunt elk every year. I have grandkids from age 1 to 16.
Scott, wow you're accusing Hardwood of using the old NR archery doe tag to shoot a buck? Is that what you're saying? Ballsy for being clueless and not knowing Hardwood at all. Guys like you are why this site has died.