Yea, he's in a safe area as far as I know (not public ground and I'm the only one with permission). I have a REALLY nice 10 on my "hit" list I'd like to take this year if I get the chance who I've been watching for a few years now. So I don't know what I'll do. My guess is, if he walks by, buck fever will set in and I'd drop him and have to wait until next year for the 10. Being pretty new at this whole deer hunting thing, I don't think I'll be able to keep myself composed and let one like that walk by. It is unique. And I don't have a bow yet so I'm hunting early muzzleloader which means I've got 2 week ends. And the 'ol saying, never pass a buck on the first day you'd be happy with on the last day. We will see what happens.