All things considered, with the overburdening doe population and the DNR in financial trouble, it's obvious something has to give.
I believe the DNR will raise NR tags again, most likely by 2005 season. It will follow their pattern of price increases in the past.
I also believe that if a price increase is substantial that it may have a negative effect. Lose your NR's, lose your NR $$$. It has to come from somewhere so residents will be hit with price increases.
As for the overburdening doe population I think a serious look at reducing the prices for NR antlerless only tags. I know they are trying to makeup some lost revenue with the price of the AO tag but they NEVER sell out. If they reduce the price of the tags, and I do mean reduce, they could possibly be in a better situation for a change.
Bottom line, if things continue in this direction, it unfortunately will have a negative impact on hunting in Iowa for both Res. and NR hunters alike. My prediction is if it continues in the current direction, the hot button topics here discussed will be:
"Resident Tag $$$ Increase"
"Poaching is getting worse than ever"
"#*%#*$@#! Outfitter leased my hunting ground"
I think we may have more to gain by working together. JMO