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nonresident tags

Nix what? You have a serious problem with nonresidents. Get over it.Alot of us are Iowans who, unfortunatly, dont live there anymore but have family and friends who still do.
Thier is always room for good hunters everywhere Swanny- no matter where thier from. Anytime you want to come to the northwoods of WI for bear or deer look me up. I like to hunt with guys that aren't afriad to speak thier minds

I did not state ANYTHING about being against NRs Alaska. But I do remember the leasing/NR/tag increase bloodbaths of the past. And it was asked that those not be on here.....in order to keep the peace. In retrospect, I should have never opened the thread.

Wisconsin.....you can hunt with me down here anytime too! I didn't get to hunt much this year. Decided to buy a house in the middle of the rut. Won't do that next year! But I saw a couple 'special' ones the few times I did get to go.
I did not state ANYTHING about being against NRs Alaska.

[/ QUOTE ]
What did I say I don't think I should be brought up in this spit. I never ever said ANYTHING in this post.

I doubt raising the price would lower the number much.Hell guys are willing to pay thousands of dollars for guided hunts all over the country so im not sure how high youd have to make tags before it had a real impact on non resident numbers.

But why exactly are we worried about getting less non resident hunters in the state?thier moneys good here to
I happen to agree with Patrick,its time for the deer hunters in Iowa to decide which direction they would like to go.If you don't want more NR,then as residents we have to be willing to accept a license fee increase.The DNR has 14 law enforcement jobs unfilled,
6 of them in S.central Ia.
I'll be attending a meeting this PM on the NR issue and funding for DNR.
There are alot of good NR who hunt in Iowa and alot of not so good residents who hunt here too. I would like to see a increase in the price of tags to NR, only due to fact we need the money. I do not want to see an increase in tags. Hunters want to come to Iowa because of the quality of deer and more hunters will not help this. My friend from Georgia loves to come here and hunt. He says it is worth paying the $ for a tag every other year if he has a CHANCE at a big buck. In the past 7 years he has taken a 150 class. He said that being able to come to Iowa and not encounter a hunter on every ridge or a pick up on every rode is worth it to him. I was an out of state hunter, then I just said the heck with it and moved here bought a farm and now save 24.00 for a land owners tag. It only cost me 150,000.00 to get the land owners tag.
Well put QDM!
I do find it a little ironic that we were being bashed a couple years ago by the NR who felt we didn't want any more NR hunters.Now 1/2 or 3/4 of the posts from NR state they don't want unlimited tags.They like the quality and quantity of the deer herd and don't want to lose the places they have to hunt. Most people in the state aren't anti NR, we just want to keep the Deer hunting 1st Class.
I love it when my friends from NY draw a tag.Just knowing that they have a chance at a buck of a lifetime keeps them pumped up for 2 months before they get here and they start planning for the next trip to Iowa before they leave.
All things considered, with the overburdening doe population and the DNR in financial trouble, it's obvious something has to give.

I believe the DNR will raise NR tags again, most likely by 2005 season. It will follow their pattern of price increases in the past.

I also believe that if a price increase is substantial that it may have a negative effect. Lose your NR's, lose your NR $$$. It has to come from somewhere so residents will be hit with price increases.

As for the overburdening doe population I think a serious look at reducing the prices for NR antlerless only tags. I know they are trying to makeup some lost revenue with the price of the AO tag but they NEVER sell out. If they reduce the price of the tags, and I do mean reduce, they could possibly be in a better situation for a change.

Bottom line, if things continue in this direction, it unfortunately will have a negative impact on hunting in Iowa for both Res. and NR hunters alike. My prediction is if it continues in the current direction, the hot button topics here discussed will be:

"Resident Tag $$$ Increase"

"Poaching is getting worse than ever"

"#*%#*$@#! Outfitter leased my hunting ground"

I think we may have more to gain by working together. JMO
I am a nonresident and I think that the number of nonresident tags should stay at 6000 if the number goes up then hunting spots will be lost, probably the class of trophy deer will go down and the state will be like michigan. Crappie to hunt! I am totally against a number increase in tags. I have no problem with hunting the "great state" every other year. If I had a big enough set of
I'd move there.

Please evreryone call Ken Harring (Wildlife Management supervisor) 1-515-281-5529 and give him your comments and support to reduce NR antlerless tag prices open up the cap on them and keep the buck tag cap at 6000 for NR's. I talked to him last week and he really liked these ideas. This guy has enough pull to make things happen!
Does Ken Harring have an e-mail address? I'm sure that if he heard the amount of opinion that us Iowawhitetailers have he would be impressed. e-mail just seems easier.
Am I the only one who thinks that charging NR's $330, let alone an increase, is almost embarrasing? I kind of hope they dont raise it even more, or we are going to take some serious flak. We might pay for it too if we want to hunt elsewhere ourselves. And I hate to see former residents get stung anymore when they want to come back to hunt with family.

The cap of 6,000 NR's seems to be working fine and should be left alone.

Still the $$ has to come from somewhere, and its probably time for an increase in resident tag prices, at least on antlered deer (considering the doe population problem). I bitch about the amount I pay now with all the tags I buy, but I really dont mind that much, and another $5 wont break me.

And it would be well worth it if the money was used for game enforcement, I love it when a poacher gets pinched.
I wonder if a voluntary contribution, like the one for HUSH, could be set up for when you buy a license with the money strictly going to enforcement? Money for equipment, airplane fuel, overtime, etc. Would anybody chip in to pay for that voluntarily?
I don't mind too much on having to wait every other season to get picked but it would be nice if the DNR would allow a doe tag for NR's (even if it had to be purchased).
First of all, if you had people violating game and tresspassing laws did you make the effort in contacting your local Conservation Warden or Sheriffs Department? If not, you are part of the problem and not part of the solution.

Unfortnately, there are a few bad apples in every bunch, irregardless if you are a residnet or non-resident. That is why, we as hunters need to stand up and report people who are taking game in an illegal manner.

Most importantly, we need to support one another as HUNTERS and not associate one another with which state we are from or whether or not we choose to hunt with a recurve, compound bow, shotgun, muzzeloader or rifle.

There are alot of active orgnaizations in this country that would like to see hunting eliminated. When us hunters argue amongst ourselves it only plays into the hands of people who would like to see this happen. It has happened in many northeastern states and even Canada and there are additional laws pending to furhter eliminate hunting opportunties on Federal Lands. We need to be supportive of fellow hunters who follow estabished rules and regulations and provide opporutunties for people to hunt ethically and responsibly and also take action to report those who fail to follow the same rules and regulations that the vast majority us due every time we venture into the outdoors.

after fishing in minnesota where planes land on the lake and ask to see your liscence i would say, no, i wouldn't chip in to pay 5-10 dollars to see enforcement increased, but you know it is a bad situation with poaching, i don't know how to handle that it's a difficult question
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