Well I hate to say it but one of the things I've always thought would never happen to me actually happened to on New Year’s Eve and it just so happen to be on the worst things that could happen!
The hunt started as I parked my truck on the side of the road and headed out to a grass field I hunt and seeing 10 deer already in the field; which winded me and took off. So I proceeded to find a good spot for my lone wolf. I find not the best looking tree but I thought it would do and precede setting up. As I put the Lone Wolf on the hook strap then strap the bottom strap to the stand I step onto the stand and go to check out the shooting lanes and a I hear pop and I’m instantly launched off the stand and fall 20 feet to the ground. Luckily I landed on my feet and rolled but I knew something was wrong right away as a sharp pain went up my back and down my left leg. I laid there for a while screaming in pain, then finally I calm myself down and tried convincing myself it wasn’t that bad (dumb idea!). After a few deep breathes I stand up on my right leg and thought that it wasn’t too bad I go to put weight on my left foot and instantly fell a very sharp and very painful sting and fall back to the ground. As I am no doctor I tried a couple more times and knew it wasn’t going to happen. First I called my older brother and say “don’t freak out but I fell out of my stand” lucky he was very calm and actually calmed me down in the process. I then call 911 and they did a very good job at finding my hunting location, luckily I wasn’t too far from a road and they were able locate my truck and drive right to my field, after laying for 45 mins in a very painful state they located me and I was rushed to the emergency room. After hours of x-rays and pain medication my family and I learned that I broke my lower back (compression break) and two places on my pelvis (on the left leg side). After spending New Year’s Eve, yesterday, and today in the hospital I was able to be sent home at 4:30pm today. I still have a lot of recovery to do and a painful road ahead!
Though it is definitely not the way I wanted to celebrate the New Year I am very thankful and lucky it wasn’t worse; usually when I hear of someone falling from their stand they are very screwed up, paralyzed, or even killed.
I am a college student at Iowa State University and I go back to school the 13th but the way it is looking I will have to play it by how my healing goes to see if I make it this semester.
To those who are still hunting good luck and be safe! Like I said this was one of the things I thought would never happen to me and in a blink of an eye everything changes! And BE SAFE!!!
I have to wear a back brace to hold my back in place and use a walker or wheelchair to get around, I don't know how long I will be using them for but I'm guessing it's gonna be awhile!
Here is a pic of me in the hospital bed where I laid for the three days, I would also like to thank my older brother and his wife and my mom and dad for staying with me the whole way through this…I love my family very much!
The hunt started as I parked my truck on the side of the road and headed out to a grass field I hunt and seeing 10 deer already in the field; which winded me and took off. So I proceeded to find a good spot for my lone wolf. I find not the best looking tree but I thought it would do and precede setting up. As I put the Lone Wolf on the hook strap then strap the bottom strap to the stand I step onto the stand and go to check out the shooting lanes and a I hear pop and I’m instantly launched off the stand and fall 20 feet to the ground. Luckily I landed on my feet and rolled but I knew something was wrong right away as a sharp pain went up my back and down my left leg. I laid there for a while screaming in pain, then finally I calm myself down and tried convincing myself it wasn’t that bad (dumb idea!). After a few deep breathes I stand up on my right leg and thought that it wasn’t too bad I go to put weight on my left foot and instantly fell a very sharp and very painful sting and fall back to the ground. As I am no doctor I tried a couple more times and knew it wasn’t going to happen. First I called my older brother and say “don’t freak out but I fell out of my stand” lucky he was very calm and actually calmed me down in the process. I then call 911 and they did a very good job at finding my hunting location, luckily I wasn’t too far from a road and they were able locate my truck and drive right to my field, after laying for 45 mins in a very painful state they located me and I was rushed to the emergency room. After hours of x-rays and pain medication my family and I learned that I broke my lower back (compression break) and two places on my pelvis (on the left leg side). After spending New Year’s Eve, yesterday, and today in the hospital I was able to be sent home at 4:30pm today. I still have a lot of recovery to do and a painful road ahead!
Though it is definitely not the way I wanted to celebrate the New Year I am very thankful and lucky it wasn’t worse; usually when I hear of someone falling from their stand they are very screwed up, paralyzed, or even killed.
I am a college student at Iowa State University and I go back to school the 13th but the way it is looking I will have to play it by how my healing goes to see if I make it this semester.
To those who are still hunting good luck and be safe! Like I said this was one of the things I thought would never happen to me and in a blink of an eye everything changes! And BE SAFE!!!
I have to wear a back brace to hold my back in place and use a walker or wheelchair to get around, I don't know how long I will be using them for but I'm guessing it's gonna be awhile!
Here is a pic of me in the hospital bed where I laid for the three days, I would also like to thank my older brother and his wife and my mom and dad for staying with me the whole way through this…I love my family very much!