Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Not to do with iowa... but...


This morning I went to scout out one of my favorite bow spots. From the way I went in it is about a 3 mile hike over rough terrain. Once there I seen several Deer coming along quite well in terms of antler growth. I started looking for good trees to place a stand when I seen some guy waving me down?? It turns out I know the guy... Hes the guy that has called the forest servece on me several times for "being too close to his property" There is a forest service road maybe 100 yards behind his house. He dont want anyone on this road at all. Thats why I walked in the really long way. Just trying to keep everyone happy. As of this writing Im really jumpy/jittery. I cant really say how I feel without a bunch of @^&($# etc. I think every time i go to my stand (in that vicintiy) I will reflect back on how I feel now. That guy made me feel like a criminal for going on PUBLIC property!!! Theres absolutely NO reason for the GFP (equivalent to DNR) To search my vehicle because I hiked 2 miles to get within a few hundred yards of some guys house!! He should be happy I was considerate for walking!! instead of driving right behind his house at 4AM (which is perfectly legal) Thanks for letting me v ent

Your going to hunt a few hundred yards from his property line? I'd tell him where to GO.

Reminds me of the guys that think they OWN their duck spots on the federal refuge.

Privatization of public ground.
Simple ways for simple folks.
I wouldn't let it worry you to much. You have every right to be on that public ground. Stay within the rules and regs. and ignore people like that.
Sounds like you did nothing wrong. You might want to remind this fellow of the law that prevents others from harassing people while partaking in their outdoor activities. Happy hunting.
Diddo on the possibility of hunter harassment ... it sounds like you haven't seen the last of this guy.
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