SHredder's details of the hunt
Here are the details. Yesterday, Nov 5, I hunted a stand on the edge of a crp field and saw the buck that I have a trail cam pic of in August. I tried to do a still hunt but had it fouled up by a doe he was tending. This am, I slipped into the area very early and lead the horses in the pasture all the way down to my stand to cover my entry. (unique stand approach huh?) As daylight unfolded, I found him bedded a mere 60 yards from the stand with a doe out in the CR field. The doe caught my scent and lead the buck away to about 200 yards. I found this to be entertainment as I videoed the whole ordeal, all the way down to him breeding the doe. As I was narrating the footage, I heard a deer walking in the grass, tuned to see this deer walking about 20 yards away. I was able to get my bow, draw, and shoot pickup the camera and video the buck going down. Within minutes after the shot, two other bucks, one about 110, and another about 140 came into the field. I waited until all three bucks were out of sight, and made my exit. This is not the specific buck I was after but is a good confidence builder after my streak of bad luck with yanked up shots. Rough score of 140.5 with a couple broken tines. I saw this buck last week from the road and guessed him in the low 150s, looks like that is about what he broke off………