Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Nov 7th 10 point

Very nice! You got to stick one during the rut with snow on the ground. There is nothing better than a blood trail in the fresh snow!
Awesome buck!!

We have had a few bad apples post some false stuff on here in the past. Don't take it personal.

Very cool looking deer. Congrats Mike!!

Nice Buck Mike! Congratulations! Consider the source of the accusations and move on. There's rockers and rowers on this boat. The boat rocking has kept me scarce around here as of late. ~Rack
havent seen that much snow any where in iowa this yr, where was this taken? ummmm , nice deer anyway.
Great Buck Congratulations. Yeah don't worry about the nay sayers some people are just a wee bit jealous /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif

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