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November antlerless season a thing of the past?

Well it seems the residents are doing their jobs controlling the deer herd, This will be pee on the fire of The Friends of Iowa stance that residents can't do there job and need all the help we can. Good news in my eyes.
That is great news, if it happens. Someone a while back said in another thread, once its there, its hard to get rid of. In this case I hope that statement doesnt hold true!
I like it! It is also a reminder to keep on doing our part, especially in problem areas of any given county that requires an antlerless harvest.:way:
I think there are many shotgun hunters who have been lobbying to get rid of this season. I also think the DNR is realizing the effect this early season has on the shotgun seasons. I know of several first season groups that quit hunting certain properties because they were pushed the weekend before. However; i don't think this is going to help get rid of the January antlerless season!
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