U can kill grasses. Atrazine, s-metolachlor (dual II), 2,4-d & crop oil. I’ve done ammonium sulfate as well. This cocktail: wicked on grasses!!!
S-metolachlor is pre & post for grass. Atrazine works as post emergent on grass as long as it’s not too tall & u add ams. Throw 2,4-d in for extra punch. Crop oil sticks it to weeds & pummels it!!! AMS breaks down waxy coat & helps with uptake. Add them all- u got a nuclear bomb. Grasses will be on fire as u leave the field

. Sounds complex but it’s not.
I’m sure there’s million other solutions. Check in to above as well. Tons of ways & above recommendations before mine may very well be better!!! Check those out!!!!!
I haven’t read label or tried but some others that come to mind but a “chance” they might help as well… mesotrione & prowl h20. Maybe some of these could be a tool, maybe not. Worth checking if time.
The above where I started…. IT WORKS!!! Is There other options & likely better ones??? I’m sure!!! Get a few options & “tools” in the arsenal. In all Honesty- non-gmo corn is pretty easy to deal with. & yes, next time, at burn down hit with the cocktail & it’ll be a real piece of cake.