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NWTF Leaders ousted!

I think the question asked was what I thought a reasonable salary was. That is the amount I think they should be paid. Person could live pretty good with that amount of money.

You are correct though it is low compared to other organizations. DU's CEO is $400,000 plus.

Lots of people do a lot of charity work for a non profit organization for next to nothing so they can make this kind of money. I just wish more of it went to the specific area it was supposed to benefit from the start.
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Skully</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I would think a more modest salary would suffice considering they wouldn't even have a job were it not for the real volunteers. </div></div>

The problem is they would have jobs. These types of salaries need to be offered to bring execs from private industry to the non-profit world. They are they to make money while the volunteers are there for the love of turkeys.

Did some quick research on admin fees:

NWTF - 5.7%
DU - 19.3%
Pheasants Forever - 10.8%
RMEF - 11.1%
Jeeze Tony, if everything happened your way nobody would make any money in this industry.... /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif

I still think Rob Keck earned every nickle he has!

Thanks Rob Keck and the NWTF for your involvement in the greatest restoration project in history! I enjoy it every spring!

I guess in your book $150,000 plus incentives is a pretty poor salary? Pretty good money IMO.

I stated what I thought he should make what are your figures?

Is he underpaid? I do not think so but based upon other salaries in Non Profit organizations he is. If they are going to pay him that kind of money darn right he will take it. Wouldn't you.

Lets please not forget about all the volunteers that were part of the restoration project also giving their free time in the restoration of the Turkey. Plus all the NWTF members which you and I are part of.
No matter....... i disagree

i still think he earned every penny and there is no reason to shame him for getting what he deserves.
What would irk me more than anything would be the fact that well over 100,000 of it is going back to state and federal taxes........how many annual memberships are paying just taxes for his salary?
well, the nwtf helped the dnr buy around 500 acers in monroe county last year. They also do very well with private landowners as well. Helping with habitat improvement projects.

Its not all bad.

That seems like a high salary, but in reality in this day and age it really isnt for that type of position.
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: vman</div><div class="ubbcode-body">That seems like a high salary, but in reality in this day and age it really isnt for that type of position.

right on!

especially for a guy who founded/created the NWTF.
I wonder if Johnny Morris, "Bass Pro", knew his million dollar donation to N.W.T.F. was only going to cover a few years salary for one guy on the ol' company payroll? Check this out, $100,000 raise in two years is pretty good huh? This chart only goes to 2003 but I'm guessing the salaries never got smaller. /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/crazy.gif


2003 Compensation Benefits Exp. Account Total Package
-----Rob Keck $ 264,393 $ 47,891 $ 69,908 $ 382,192
---Carl Brown $ 208,335 $ 40,043 $ 23,357 $ 271,735
James Sparks $ 163,691 $ 33,728 $ 6,429 $ 203,848
Dr. Kennamer $ 143,098 $ 30,938 $ 23,529 $ 197,565
Dick Rosenlieb $ 119,048 $ 27,379 $ 20,215 $ 166,642
--------------$ 898,565 $179,979 $143,438 $1,221,982

2002 Compensation Benefits Exp. Account Total Package
-----Rob Keck $ 235,318 $ 37,318 $ 49,089 $ 321,725
---Carl Brown $ 186,810 $ 35,661 $ 17,149 $ 239,620
James Sparks $ 146,778 $ 29,950 $ 4,990 $ 181,718
Dr. Kennamer $ 135,410 $ 28,236 $ 23,397 $ 187,043
Dick Rosenlieb $ 107,299 $ 24,199 $ 14,812 $ 146,310
---------------$ 811,615 $155,364 $109,437 $1,076,416

2001 Compensation Benefits Exp. Account Total Package
-----Rob Keck $ 207,217 $ 48,041 $ 30,526 $ 285,784
---Carl Brown $ 167,656 $ 42,775 $ 13,667 $ 224,098
James Sparks $ 131,792 $ 38,393 $ 7,099 $ 177,284
Dr. Kennamer $ 125,380 $ 38,352 $ 22,541 $ 186,273
Dick Rosenlieb $ 97,044 $ 29,799 $ 13,740 $ 140,583
---------------$ 729,089 $197,360 $ 87,573 $1,014,022

The officers Income increases at a rate of over two times the increase in revenue.
In 2002 there was a 3.31 decrease in revenue yet the officers took a 6.15% increase! Times are tough all over?
I'm glad someone took the time to look up the actual numbers. If revenues go down, so should salaries, but that doesn't seem to be how the corporate world works. I know the guys on our local NWTF board do an awful lot of work just for the satisfaction of doing the right thing. In a non-profit, you would hope that mindset would go all the way to the top. I'm treasurer of our county Pheasants Forever and was surprised PF's administration percent was that high. We keep ALL our money, except memberships, for local projects. We also contribute to the PF lobbyist in Wasington D.C. and a state land trust to try and buy land for public use. However, PF has three biologists in Iowa, plus four habitat specialists that run around doing burns, planting prairie and food plots, pretty much at cost. I know personally that those guys put in a lot of hours. I don't know what the CEO makes and maybe if I did I wouldn't like it. But as far up the chain as I can see, I don't see a lot of excess. My point is, administrative costs are necessary and justifiable. If there are people in the know, for instance other board members, that feel something is not justified, then a shakeup is needed. That's apparently what happened at NWTF. Hopefully they can straighten things out.
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Skully</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> I wonder if Johnny Morris, "Bass Pro", knew his million dollar donation to N.W.T.F. was only going to cover a few years salary for one guy on the ol' company payroll? Check this out, $100,000 raise in two years is pretty good huh? This chart only goes to 2003 but I'm guessing the salaries never got smaller. /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/crazy.gif


2003 Compensation Benefits Exp. Account Total Package
-----Rob Keck $ 264,393 $ 47,891 $ 69,908 $ 382,192
---Carl Brown $ 208,335 $ 40,043 $ 23,357 $ 271,735
James Sparks $ 163,691 $ 33,728 $ 6,429 $ 203,848
Dr. Kennamer $ 143,098 $ 30,938 $ 23,529 $ 197,565
Dick Rosenlieb $ 119,048 $ 27,379 $ 20,215 $ 166,642
--------------$ 898,565 $179,979 $143,438 $1,221,982

2002 Compensation Benefits Exp. Account Total Package
-----Rob Keck $ 235,318 $ 37,318 $ 49,089 $ 321,725
---Carl Brown $ 186,810 $ 35,661 $ 17,149 $ 239,620
James Sparks $ 146,778 $ 29,950 $ 4,990 $ 181,718
Dr. Kennamer $ 135,410 $ 28,236 $ 23,397 $ 187,043
Dick Rosenlieb $ 107,299 $ 24,199 $ 14,812 $ 146,310
---------------$ 811,615 $155,364 $109,437 $1,076,416

2001 Compensation Benefits Exp. Account Total Package
-----Rob Keck $ 207,217 $ 48,041 $ 30,526 $ 285,784
---Carl Brown $ 167,656 $ 42,775 $ 13,667 $ 224,098
James Sparks $ 131,792 $ 38,393 $ 7,099 $ 177,284
Dr. Kennamer $ 125,380 $ 38,352 $ 22,541 $ 186,273
Dick Rosenlieb $ 97,044 $ 29,799 $ 13,740 $ 140,583
---------------$ 729,089 $197,360 $ 87,573 $1,014,022

The officers Income increases at a rate of over two times the increase in revenue.
In 2002 there was a 3.31 decrease in revenue yet the officers took a 6.15% increase! Times are tough all over?

Thanks Skully for posting these figures.
Looks like their salaries kept up with the price of inflation. /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/eek.gif

Kind of hard to justify that kind of pay increase with a revenue decrease like that. See that all the time in the corporate world. Who pays the extra the members and shareholders.

Guess someone else didn't think they were worth keeping around either.
Bass Pro donation will cost Johnny very little once the dust settles. Write off the $, and they get huge marketing and PR value from that donation. A drop in the bucket when you look at their overall advertising and promotion budget.

Non-profit does not mean free.

You do get what you pay for and I think guys like Keck are earning every dollar. Keck has been in the middle of a lot of things in Washington that have paid dividends for NWTF. I think he probably is doing what he does for the love of it as he will probably double his salary in his next position.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> Bass Pro donation will cost Johnny very little once the dust settles. Write off the $, and they get huge marketing and PR value from that donation. A drop in the bucket when you look at their overall advertising and promotion budget.

Non-profit does not mean free.

You do get what you pay for and I think guys like Keck are earning every dollar. Keck has been in the middle of a lot of things in Washington that have paid dividends for NWTF. I think he probably is doing what he does for the love of it as he will probably double his salary in his next position. </div></div>

Right on Pharmer, couldnt agree more! /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cool.gif
Something else to take into account. Keck has been doing this for 27 yrs. Yeah the money has been good for him the last several years, but this guy put alot of volunteer time into this organization and at the end, that salary he is paid, the NWTF got by cheap. As much as I would like to see the local chapter retain more of their money from banquets. These salaries are not the reason they don't. The money brought in from partnerships and endorsements covers these guys salaries and then some, and the NWTF probably wouldn't have these relationships without this core group. Despite the up and down years, look at this organization since this group has had their hands in it and noone can argue the success! I've been a member for several years and will continue to support NWTF.
Do any of you guys donate to the Untited Way? You think the NWTF is bad! /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/mad.gif
events like this make Rob Keck's salary worth every penny!!!!!

The NWTF Gets Kids Outside During Children & Nature Awareness Month
Courtesy of the National Wild Turkey Federation

• The National Wild Turkey Federation has worked to connect youth with nature through its JAKES program since 1981.

• The NWTF’s JAKES (Juniors Acquiring Knowledge, Ethics and Sportsmanship) program is dedicated to informing, educating and involving youth in outdoor activities, wildlife conservation and wise stewardship of natural resources.

• During April, the NWTF will continue introducing youth to outdoor opportunities as part of the Children & Nature Network’s "Children & Nature Awareness Month."

• In 2007, NWTF chapters in the United States and Canada held more than 1,000 JAKES events that introduced youth to outdoor opportunities through hands-on activities such as archery, fishing, target shooting and more.

• To view entire article, visit http://www.nwtf.org/nwtf_newsroom/press_releases.php?id=12515
5.7% is a very low admin cost. You gotta remember though, it is a straight percentage, so the more they bring in, the lower the % is gonna be. I’m not sure if there is a standardized accounting method for finding this percentage, but I want to know we are comparing cumquats to cumquats. So does NWTF count every piece of paper, every paperclip every envelope and include them in their admin costs or is it strictly salaries, and then how does DU, with a much higher admin cost, count the beans? Salaries only or every item it takes to run the business?

NWTF does a wonderful job as THA4 pointed out, but all that fine work is done on the backs of volunteers. Without these folks donating their time and resources to get the job done Mr. Keck would be making a normal wage, what ever the definition of normal wage is, or the Foundation would have folded along time ago.

Thomas and I swapped PMs a few weeks ago about the passion and profit of hunting. Here is a quote “…becaues there is a rich heritage of passion behind the hunting and fishing world, many folks feel offended when money is "made" from the industry participants.... i.e. you and me. That is simply due to how it began compared to how it is now.” Thomas hit me right between the eyes with that one, and it is so very true; I’m still living in the past. Having said that, past or future, as long as a “Foundation” is depending on volunteers to raise the money for the Foundation to play with I would hope for some fiscal responsibility on behalf of the executives to the member volunteers. Not necessarily a vow of poverty from the executives, but they don’t need to get rich off me either. Perhaps this is what the NWTF Board of Directors, all volunteers I might add, had in mind when they fired, or asked for the resignations of, those other two gentleman knowing full well that Mr. Keck would follow along behind and therefore save the NWTF some money. Who knows? We rank and file members will never know for sure.

NWTF, and maybe all the big not for profit (501 C3?) Foundations, probably make the bulk of their bucks from sponsorships. Great. Then let all the admin costs come from the sponsorships and let all the money the local chapters make from the banquets stay with the local chapter, or at least the State, and the Foundation shouldn’t make any money from the “auction package” they expect the chapter to purchase from them.

Back to the quote by Thomas, I just don’t like it when a Foundation with paid executives makes money off of my passion. I expect for profit businesses to make a buck, because after all, they are for profit and don’t rely on volunteers to sell me their goods. To make me feel better about it, show me that executive salaries or admin costs only come from corporate sponsorships that the executives negotiated and monies raised by volunteers, stay in the area they were raised and any monies left over from the corporate sponsorships not sucked up by the paid executives gets redistributed to the chapters.

I am absolutely not a businessman, and as such I do not think like one. I guess it shows, huh?

The ‘Bonker
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