I was going to plant a 2 acre plot of Oat's and Rye. Do these work good together?
You bet! That's one of my favorites!
Take a look at my thread on cereal grains for more info
Cereal Grains and Cover Crops
Cereal rye is higher in protien then wheat and is a nitrogen scavenger as well as an awesome soil builder that will stay green and attractive all winter long.
Oats are just a little addition that one could do without but deer do love oats so I always add them but don't waste money on "fancy" high dollar oats. Any common spring oat will do but I also have had good luck with forage oats such as Frank Forage oats and they are only a dollar more per bag.
I like to add peas and field peas are less expensive then austrian winter peas, although AWP's may survive longer into the winter (I sense a "test" coming up
Peas are just "candy" and deer will lap them up like you won't believe!
Clover is optional, you can sow white clovers at this time if wish to have along term stand of clover but I usually so an inexpensive red clover that will grow like crazy in the spring. This not only feeds deer in the early spring and summer but also is fixing nitrogen the whole time and can be tilled under that summer/fall for the next crop of rye or brassicas for instance. Alta Swede Mammouth red clover from Welters works real well and it's only a couple bucks a pound.
I NEVER leave my soil bare, always keep it working and attracting wildlife!
Don't plant fall grains to early, last week of August thru Labor Day is usually perfect!
Check out that thread, ton of pictures and ideas in there...