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October lull...

I seen 3 shooter's together last night right at dark.I thought this was kinda weird as I would think that they would be all broke up in single's by now.I'm going after them tonight.Wish me luck.If I cannot get a shot I'm going to try to get them on video.I'll keep ya'll posted.

Are you and Limb taking about urban hunts or are you both handicaped?

They will start getting more agressive soon.

It is a 7 year old thread posted on October 14th 2004 LOL. I was thinking the same thing hahaha.
Every year (for me anyways) it seems that the first 2 weeks of the bow season are good I always get a doe right away to pack the freezer and taste fresh back-straps off the grill but come Oct 1st thru the end of the 3rd week of Oct the deer seem to bug out on me. It burns me out on good spots that I have great deercam pics from and show awesome sign. Now come the end of the 3rd week of Oct (or so) I start shaking just thinking about what's gonna happen. Is it me or does any1 else see this happen...

Every year for me for about the last 30!! :way:
No such thing as the October Lull if you hunt new areas / stands constantly. Early to late October is slow on big buck movement compared to late October / November, but they are up on their feet during daylight hours everyday. Just a matter of being in the safety zone.
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