off season


PMA Member
What does everyone do in the off season. Kind of slow on the ole Iowa whitetail so what is you summer hobby?............. I don't really fish because the summers are my busy season. So this is what I do when I have a little free time.

What is an "off season"???? - there is always hunting prep, treestand work, foodplots, trail maintenance, shooting practice and much, much more to be done.
I second gunrunr, 365 days a year something to in preparation for archery season. But I also enjoy camping, mountain biking, and writing
Not too much for me. Spend a lot of time with the little one. Do a little catfishing. Maybe run a couple trail cameras. Shoot my bow a bit and start dreaming of antelope hunting in september.
Not much of an off season here. Food plots and land management at multiple farms. Always something to do for better wildlife habitat.
Not much time for play in the off season between work and getting ready for archery season. Just got done pulling down a couple older ladder stands that need some fresh paint, need to think about spraying weeds in foodplots shortly and move a couple other stands. And I have less time this year because of a bear hunt up in Sask in sept.
Fishing and of course Men's league softball! I'm on two softball teams and a baseball town-team that plays on Sunday afternoons.

But for hunting wise, running cams, trimming/clearing up stands, food plots, all that fun stuff.
never an off season with deer hunting...but I run races...Ran the Dam to Dam in Des Moines today actually
Harley rides, bow shooting, plinking with the guns, food plot management (two hours today), tree stand prep and building a new smokeless muzzleloader. Camping and fishing as often as possible with the grandkids and family.
busy from 7 to 6 most week days, triweekley or monthly trips to the Ozarks, fishing, camping and pretending my block black is an Iowa bruiser; )
I'm always running trail cams and I shoot at least 3 times a week. But my little lady gets most of my time. She's taking a real interest in deer hunting. Must have her daddy's love of the sport.
Work! work at a State Park, nearly 10 hrs a day. Off wrk it is trying to keep my plots and fruit and berry trees growing in this,,now growing dryness.
Little league, highschool softball , put up hay all summer and what ever the wife decides I need to have done :)
Fishing, looking for arrowheads and such, scouting, little shooting when I get the chance, and last but not