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Off topic, maybe controversial but a lot of fun & excitement!!!!

Sligh1, do you work in genetic research or something? Your son looks like he could be your clone. My kids all inherited my chin, (poor things), but outside of that, they got a pretty even mix when it comes to resembling me or my wife. Do you and your wife have similar facial features? Not poking fun or anything, just an observation that jumped out at me. The resemblance between you two is striking.
Sligh1, do you work in genetic research or something? Your son looks like he could be your clone. My kids all inherited my chin, (poor things), but outside of that, they got a pretty even mix when it comes to resembling me or my wife. Do you and your wife have similar facial features? Not poking fun or anything, just an observation that jumped out at me. The resemblance between you two is striking.
I’ve always been suspicious of the Pool boy or mailman being the father but we haven’t got our DNA test results done since the COVID panic. :Do_O:eek::)
Well thank u though. ;). I think he’s a mix pretty even. I’m Dutch & wife is Italian so I think we’d be pretty stark. Looks- he’s a good mix. Personality... he’s well behaved, does NOT get in trouble at school & usually gets praise from family, teachers, etc - THAT is a stark contrast to the reports my parents got on me at that age!!! My daughter for sure has same personality as a lil rascal on the other hand.

TODAY: Des Moines to Humboldt (2 hours NW of Des Moines 1 way) & different route back..... probably 90%+ Trump signs. A sparse few JoeMentia signs. Ironically, every farmer & small business today - 100% Trump. Today’s drive showed the JoeMentia signs on run down houses, crap holes, etc. anecdotal & not trying to be judgmental - ok, actually I am a little ;).... why would this be?!?!?!? Such a mind boggler!!!?!!?!!!!! :)
Above is amazing!!! Sniffing the deer!!!! . So - my sister-in-law is a liberal college professor. Every time my wife takes her picture- I touch it up and send it to her.... Arnold’s Park in okoboji...

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A liberal college professor? That’s doesn’t exist

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I’ve always been suspicious of the Pool boy or mailman being the father but we haven’t got our DNA test results done since the COVID panic. :Do_O:eek::)
Well thank u though. ;). I think he’s a mix pretty even. I’m Dutch & wife is Italian so I think we’d be pretty stark. Looks- he’s a good mix. Personality... he’s well behaved, does NOT get in trouble at school & usually gets praise from family, teachers, etc - THAT is a stark contrast to the reports my parents got on me at that age!!! My daughter for sure has same personality as a lil rascal on the other hand.

TODAY: Des Moines to Humboldt (2 hours NW of Des Moines 1 way) & different route back..... probably 90%+ Trump signs. A sparse few JoeMentia signs. Ironically, every farmer & small business today - 100% Trump. Today’s drive showed the JoeMentia signs on run down houses, crap holes, etc. anecdotal & not trying to be judgmental - ok, actually I am a little ;).... why would this be?!?!?!? Such a mind boggler!!!?!!?!!!!! :)


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TODAY: ... Today’s drive showed the JoeMentia signs on run down houses, crap holes, etc. anecdotal & not trying to be judgmental - ok, actually I am a little ;).... why would this be?!?!?!? Such a mind boggler!!!?!!?!!!!! :)

Couldn't be because those on the government teet will always vote Democrat... Feed a man a fish and he'll vote for the Socialist. Teach a man to fish and he'll vote for the Conservative. ;)
It baffles me to see the poll numbers supposedly favoring Biden.
Trump voters must all be at work and too busy to talk to the polling people - i know i hang up when they call
Must be all the big cities because out here i am NOT seeing ANY Biden signs and Trump is proudly displayed everywhere!
I’ve never been called by a pollster. Today I ironically received a text to sign up to vote by mail to keep me safe from the virus. Lol. I responded that if thugs can protest in person they can vote in person. Of course it was a Biden / Harris campaign thing. What a joke.
My neighborhood now has 2 Biden Signs.... Pretty "big neighborhood" & aside from living only in the country... It's good for kids. Charlie is 9 & has a bunch of kids he plays with after school - ride bikes, whatever. So the neighbor kids come over as I was outside..... "Did Charlie tell you what he did?" "AHHH... NO... WHAT DID HE DO?"...... "We rode our bikes over to that house up there with the Biden sign. Charlie rang the doorbell. Guy living there opened the door "YES? What do you need?".... "Charlie says "What can I say to convince you to vote for Trump & lose this Biden sign?"" They said both were straight faced (a 9 year old and a 50-55 year old), no big deal.... "After 10-20 seconds of staring, The guy didn't answer Charlie and closed the door."

HA - I had no idea. Asked my boy & he says "Ya, isn't that good dad?". SO GREAT! I said "you were nice right?" "OF COURSE DAD". “Good job son!” Proud of him!
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