Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Office of the Governor

I must be the odd man out... Id like to see a lot more does shot in my area.

Some areas could probably handle increased doe harvest.

If a person doesn't agree with the doe tag quota in their area, don't buy them, don't fill them.

before you no it, they will pass a law sayin you can hunt anywhere you want, to lower deer population, all iowa ground is now public

Won't happen because the FB won't agree to it. They want the deer dead but will put up a fight when it comes to private landowners' rights (read not allowing public access).
I remember watching the old Iowa Governor on a Canadian t.v show that is a total "make fun" show. The host was interviewing people in the states about made up issues in Canada. He was kind enough to congratulate us for changing to a 24 hr clock. (I found it bizarre that a gov't official wouldn't know that was not true) But then again a diff't Governor said he would support the public's stance on stopping the Saskatoon Seal hunt.
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