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Ok.....this is Weird!!!


Life Member
Ok, I have had pictures of antlered does before, but what the H-E-Double L is this!!!

This picture was not taken next to a nuclear waste plant...what do you guys think?

I will enjoy all the remarks in this post!!!
But seriously, I have never seen this before and I have several pictures of this deer this Winter.

If anyone has a clue, I'm looking forward to your opinions...
Looks like its still in velvet? Could it be a catcus buck ?Just a guess??Maybe its a he and didn't make it over the fence ?
My only guess would be that something drastic happened to his antelrs while they were in the early stages of growing....other than that I have no other guesses! Really cool photo though....
It would be interesting to see if they fall off? I sure don't know what caused it...what's in that corn Ghost??
Now thats a botton buck almost worth shooting. If that was a button buck I would hate to see him as a four year old.
Hey, you got me wondering, that is a great pic.
I'm leaning toward it being a doe with some mixed up hormones.

The shape of the head and the tarsal glands look snow white.
Hey Ghost, how about showing some other picture from different angles.....

I think he must of had his testies damaged....

Re: Ok.....this is Weird!!! (Update)

Ok, here is some more information.....

There is a condition which can lead to the development of what is known as a Perruque Head. This is normally caused by damage to a buck’s testicles which prevents the rise in testosterone which would normally signal the cessation of the blood supply to the antlers’ velvet. Consequently with a perruque the velvet continues to grow, forming a soft spongy mass which does not harden. This eventually becomes infected or fly blown and may result in the animal’s death.

Makes me wonder if this is the same deer. Picture was taken in very late September when all other pictures were showing bucks in hard antler.

Re: Ok.....this is Weird!!! (Update)

That is very odd to say the least. Awesome pics by the way! I have a set of sheds I would like to show you sometime. They are the heaviest bases I've ever found but just stopped growing past the brow tines. The ends are still covered in velvet! Mother nature can deal some strange cards sometimes. Would make good conversation pieces if they do shed!
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