Once a spike, always a spike?

Dr whitetail did a study over like a 10 year period and thousands of bucks- it is impossible to tell what the buck will turn into based on its year old rack. Spike basket or nothing-
I had one walk into the stand tonight that I have probably accumulated 400 pictures of since August. Definite permanent home of this buck. Anyway. I have never gotten a close enough picture. But it appears that he is unable to grow an antler on the left side of his head. I'll be interested to see if he sticks around next year and what his antler growth will be like.

Quite some time back at my dads, we had an old buck that lived in the timber beside our house. Every year he would always only grow on the right side of his head. I collected a few of his sheds over the years, if he would have grown both sides, I believe he would have been a 160+ deer.