Once in a lifetime tag


Eleven months ago I drew a once in a lifetime permit to hunt Oryx on the White Sands Missile Range in southern New Mexico. This past week Double Lung accompanied me on this hunt. We met up with Bob Atwood, an outfitter from Belen NM, that I hired to get us on the range and help find the Oryx. The weather was calling for 12” of snow in the dessert, now what kind of luck was that, I had already been snowed out of a late season hunt in North West Canada three weeks earlier. As it turned out only two inches fell and we were in good shape.
Oryx are a herd animal that was released in New Mexico in the mid 1960’s coming from Africa as an endangered species at the time, in which case they now have flourished on both continents with game management.
Our morning was starting out with its best effort to snow that was possible, and spotting the Oryx was challenging. Once we found a group, we started a stalk, however they were moving to quick, so we backed out and got the truck to get ahead of them a mile or more and try to pick them back up. It worked this time and we found them at 1000 yards and proceeded to make an angle that would get us within range. At the 400-yard mark they again started to angle away from us when one of the lead bulls strayed out a little to far. Rocky estimated him to be a 36” category, at that moment Double Lung set the tripod up and ranged him one more time, it was show time in a desert snow storm. The bull stopped broadside at 325 yards and at that moment time stood still, at the report of the 300 WSM the familiar sound of the hit was evident, the bull whirled around and ran 30 yards before expiring. After reconfirming he was down to stay, we all thanked our maker for the day and the harvest. The bull measured 35 ¼ “ with 7 ½ “ bases, which is 7-9 years old. To share that experience with a friend, and knowing I’ll never be able to draw that tag again, it was truly a hunt of a lifetime!

Very cool!
Did he expire right there? That close to telephone poles and traffic signs or is that just the place you guys set up the photos?
That was a great hunt and I felt like I was the one that took the shot. They are a beautiful animal. Thanks again Jeff for inviting me along. The music trivia on whole ride down and back was another great part of the trip.
We had to load the beast off the range, no cameras allowed, thourgh search of truck, also when you leave the road to retrieve your animal you need someone ahead of the truck looking for unexpolded bombs, no lie. Double Lung thought it was a vacation, until he heard that at the orientation.
We had to load the beast off the range, no cameras allowed, thourgh search of truck, also when you leave the road to retrieve your animal you need someone ahead of the truck looking for unexpolded bombs, no lie. Double Lung thought it was a vacation, until he heard that at the orientation.

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Now that adds a new dimension to a fair chase hunt...watch out for land mines!
Awesome hunt and even better story.

DL that is safer than some of the places you waterfowl hunt... Walk in the park pal!
That's just cool. Congrats!
What have you arranged for taxidermy work on it? Can't be too many guys that have mounted an Oryx?
Congrats! that is awesome. maybe double lung will draw a tag and you can do it again. so you probably weren't able to even take a cell phone that had a camera on it or anything.
Nice work men! Your guys phone call interrupted my nap. I'm glad to see they let you guys leave. Thought maybe you'd get caught pushing buttons. Sounds like you guys had a good time
I never knew such a thing existed. Cool story ....mines...bombs.

A silly ?, are they edible.
