Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

One Dead Jelly Head!!!!


A Few Steps Ahead Of You
Well, i am very fortunate to be able to have something to show for my efforts!

The weather conditions were nothing short of horrible! Very windy, Snowy, and COLD!!! it was just plain misrable! I had just Saturday and part of sunday so i really wanted to get somthing killed. I have 5 days starting on Friday and plan on killing a longbeard then.

I chased this same group of birds around all day, each time i set up it seemed like the birds were a step a head of me and i couldnt make anything happen. stupid turkeys anyhow...

as a last ditch effort, last night i set up under the roost trees hoping to catch a bird on his way back in or get an idea where to set up in the morning. Like clock work the birds showed up abotu 20 minutes till end of shooting time. and they ended up just feet from my Double Bull. i had Jakes and hens near by, but no toms. story of my life.... /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif

I let them fly up and i waited for an hour or so and successfully snuck out without spooking any thing!

I was back in the blind well before first light and sitting right undernieth 50 birds... i heard spitting and drumming comming from above me....

and like they always do, they all flew down the other way....
i had to make a game time decision, either circle around and try to cut them off before they disappeard intot he great blue yonder.... or call it a day and hope for later opportunites. i belly crawled up to a grassy berm and found a group of jakes and hens. i couldnt see the longbeards..... but three jakes were strutting and looking awefully tempting....

suddenly the hens caught me and i was faced with another game time decision! shoot or call it a day....

here he is! not a giant, but a hard earned bird nonetheless!
12 pounds and a 3 inch beard! im pretty jacked!!!! /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif

bird number one down!!! 3 to go

what do you think, Merriams or hybrid. both exist out there, but usually you see hybrids.... whacha think???



<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">what do you think, Merriams or hybrid. </div></div>

I don't know but he sure is pretty!

Congrats! /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cool.gif
Hey you were suppposed to call if you got one, any way nice bird. Shoot him with your bow or gun.
Congrats on the tough bird. Lookes like a hybrid. Sounds like their still in winter flocks? My cousin and I are leaving for nebraska wed moring to chase them around for five days with a bow can't wait!
Congrats on a fine bird.
I recently spoke with a biologist with the NWTF concerning the hybreds. As far as he was concerned, if it looked Merriam and you have a witness for the slam, it is one. Didn't matter if it's genes said otherwise.
Your's has white tips, I'd call it Merriam.
Taking tomorrows trophies today.

Been there, done that, will do it again if the situation presents itself.

Can't wait till next weekend.
Way to get some lead in his head! Great bird Tommy Boy! /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif

Nice bird Thomas, Congrats! /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cool.gif


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