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One hunters view point - please read

This is an outstanding idea!
Way to go Onecam!!
I plan to join IBA and contact my legislators!!
Blind Sow,
I appreciate all the DNRs hard work, there are actually quite a few responses in these threads that support an increase in resident tag prices. As far as balancing the budget on NR fees, I'd rather balance the budget on poaching and trespassing fines. Oh- to name one thing, computers cost LESS these days than 15 years ago.
My biggest issue with any resident fee increase is the "black box" nature of the Iowa appropriations process. Far too often user fees that should be used to benefit the user are moved to solve budgetary concerns deemed more important by the legislature (ask the off-road vehicle crowd).
As soon as the DNR is allowed to manage state enviromental issues free of legislative meddling, I'll start donating time and money any way possible. Right now I worry that money going in will end up paying for new floors in the capital building.
My out of state hunting consist of elk in Co and SD deer.All my public land can't get access to private ground.All hunts are do it yourself.

The size of the deer herd in Iowa really depends on where you live. In the southern part of the state no doubt it is still too high. I have a good friend who lives in Charles City (northcentral/northeast IA) and the deer he sees on his property has dramatically dropped in the last two years. Willie Suchy (DNR deer biologist) has the capability of adjusting hunting pressure through the number of doe tags allocated in each county. It just takes a couple of years to see the results of any adjustment and some people can't wait to see it.


Your license money is protected by law. Several years ago when Branstad was governor he tried to balance the state budget by absorbing small trust funds into the state's general fund. That's when IA sportsmen, through the legislative process, got a constitutional amendment passed that said DNR Fish and Game Trust Fund will always stay as such and never go into the general fund. The only way that can change is to go through the process in reverse. If memory serves me it was a three year process.

So making that long story short DNR license money stays in the fish and game trust fund and can't be spent on anything else.

Doug Clayton

State Conservation Officer
Excellent proposal One Cam!!!!!
I'm an NR and 10 yr IBA member and you have my full support.

One thing I would like to see addressed though is the number of resident antlerless tags that are left over in each county every year. If your proposal flys it would be nice to give a resident a chance to purchase additional antlerless liscenses first-say for a month or two- and then let us NR's have a chance to purchase them rather than have them go unused.

The group shotgun hunting with the antlerless tags issue is alot bigger than many of you think. Thier was an article in the QDMA magazine awhile back that featured an Iowa property that was managed "Texas style". These guys gun hunted every year in thier area on these tags. Group bagging is a joke for anything but antlerless deer and that is what the laws should be changed to read.

How much revenue has the issuance of resident antlerless licenses produced? I kicked in for 6 additional licenses this year for the first time. I am helping fund the IDNR, balance the herd and having a blast doing it. If IDNR ran the show without legislative approval would they go after the dollar over resident concerns? What would be the checks and balances on their authority? Seems like the legislature may not be experts, but they do answer to the voter.
Thanks for clearing that up Doug, it's refreshing to hear. It will definately make it easier to justify donations in the coming months.
Liquidated damage money (the assessted value of wildlife) goes into the Fish and Game Trust Fund. The actual fine amount does not.

For example---someone is convicted of spotlighting one raccoon. Fine, court cost and surcharge = $147. Liquidated damages = $200. The F&G Trust Fund receives only the $200.

Doug Clayton

State Conservation Officer
Good points. I want to make one comment that I think is really important. Before I do, please note that I bowhunted as an Iowa resident for 30 years before moving to Minnesota three years ago. I now have to apply for a non-resident license. I was a member of the IBA and very active in the outdoors in Iowa on many fronts, and even lobbied at the statehouse.

It would certainly be in my best interest to have a better chance of drawing a non-resident license if there were more available. There is a strong move going on in some western states and it is only a matter of time before it gains strength in Iowa. That is the belief that higher prices and reduced numbers of tags for nonresidents is discriminatory. Guys please understand that this is a state's rights issue not a discrmination issue. You absolutely must fight against any moves to take away the state's ability to determine how many tags are given to nonresidents and how much nonresidents should pay for a tag. Particlularly in an era when animal rights activists are trying to take over management of wildlife by politics rather than by bilology, this is a critical issue that we all need to be vigilant about.

That's my $.02
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