New Member
This nation, the United State of American, was once known as, "One Nation Under God", which is what many people fought for, died for and tried to keep the integrity of the US under. A few years later, a few groups of people didn't like the word God, so they had it banned from schools, where they thought it would brain wash kids into thinking that there is a higher power in which controls their destiny, how crazy is that?
After that, we had to become sensitive to everyone, so we wouldn't cross that "politically correct" line, so that if there was an illegal immigrant near us, we wouldn't offend them, making them feel less like an American. We had to be so sensitive that we, the people, could not leave one child behind in schools, even though they refused to do their work, called teacher names that should have had some type of reprocutions, but we didn't because we didn't want that child to feel "left out" or left behind the rest of the students that did well in school.
Well folks, I'm here to say, that I am tired of this politically correct bull snot, and it's time for me to stand my ground for everything that I feel is right for the country. I'm tired of being pushed around by a Government that "thinks" they know what is the best for me and my family.
I think Crocket was wrong in what he said to the President of the IBA, Randy Taylor, an individual what has fought for more rights for the Iowa Resident than any other individual in the state of Iowa. I made a little bit of a poking fun of Crocket post earlier today, but it was deleted, to keep it "politically Correct". Well, I'm tired of it. I have feelings as a red blooded American, and I think it was wrong of that individual to call such a man out, that has spent his time, in which he could have spent with his family, friends, or whatever he wanted to do, but instead, he fought for the rights of every single person in the state of Iowa, rather they were with him or not.
But as usual, this will be deleted, to keep it a "piece full and happy" forum, so nobody feels "left out, or abandoned".
I hope more of you individuals will take stand within the Nation, not just a silly website that is directed to Whitetails, and tell everyone you are tired of the "politically correct" bullcrap that goes on in the nation, more less a little website.
God Bless America, and I hope Iowawhitetail can someday be more of a "stand up for what you believe in" type place, and not let the people who think differently take over.
I'm out!!
After that, we had to become sensitive to everyone, so we wouldn't cross that "politically correct" line, so that if there was an illegal immigrant near us, we wouldn't offend them, making them feel less like an American. We had to be so sensitive that we, the people, could not leave one child behind in schools, even though they refused to do their work, called teacher names that should have had some type of reprocutions, but we didn't because we didn't want that child to feel "left out" or left behind the rest of the students that did well in school.
Well folks, I'm here to say, that I am tired of this politically correct bull snot, and it's time for me to stand my ground for everything that I feel is right for the country. I'm tired of being pushed around by a Government that "thinks" they know what is the best for me and my family.
I think Crocket was wrong in what he said to the President of the IBA, Randy Taylor, an individual what has fought for more rights for the Iowa Resident than any other individual in the state of Iowa. I made a little bit of a poking fun of Crocket post earlier today, but it was deleted, to keep it "politically Correct". Well, I'm tired of it. I have feelings as a red blooded American, and I think it was wrong of that individual to call such a man out, that has spent his time, in which he could have spent with his family, friends, or whatever he wanted to do, but instead, he fought for the rights of every single person in the state of Iowa, rather they were with him or not.
But as usual, this will be deleted, to keep it a "piece full and happy" forum, so nobody feels "left out, or abandoned".
I hope more of you individuals will take stand within the Nation, not just a silly website that is directed to Whitetails, and tell everyone you are tired of the "politically correct" bullcrap that goes on in the nation, more less a little website.
God Bless America, and I hope Iowawhitetail can someday be more of a "stand up for what you believe in" type place, and not let the people who think differently take over.
I'm out!!