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One nation under God.....


New Member
This nation, the United State of American, was once known as, "One Nation Under God", which is what many people fought for, died for and tried to keep the integrity of the US under. A few years later, a few groups of people didn't like the word God, so they had it banned from schools, where they thought it would brain wash kids into thinking that there is a higher power in which controls their destiny, how crazy is that?

After that, we had to become sensitive to everyone, so we wouldn't cross that "politically correct" line, so that if there was an illegal immigrant near us, we wouldn't offend them, making them feel less like an American. We had to be so sensitive that we, the people, could not leave one child behind in schools, even though they refused to do their work, called teacher names that should have had some type of reprocutions, but we didn't because we didn't want that child to feel "left out" or left behind the rest of the students that did well in school.

Well folks, I'm here to say, that I am tired of this politically correct bull snot, and it's time for me to stand my ground for everything that I feel is right for the country. I'm tired of being pushed around by a Government that "thinks" they know what is the best for me and my family.

I think Crocket was wrong in what he said to the President of the IBA, Randy Taylor, an individual what has fought for more rights for the Iowa Resident than any other individual in the state of Iowa. I made a little bit of a poking fun of Crocket post earlier today, but it was deleted, to keep it "politically Correct". Well, I'm tired of it. I have feelings as a red blooded American, and I think it was wrong of that individual to call such a man out, that has spent his time, in which he could have spent with his family, friends, or whatever he wanted to do, but instead, he fought for the rights of every single person in the state of Iowa, rather they were with him or not.

But as usual, this will be deleted, to keep it a "piece full and happy" forum, so nobody feels "left out, or abandoned".

I hope more of you individuals will take stand within the Nation, not just a silly website that is directed to Whitetails, and tell everyone you are tired of the "politically correct" bullcrap that goes on in the nation, more less a little website.

God Bless America, and I hope Iowawhitetail can someday be more of a "stand up for what you believe in" type place, and not let the people who think differently take over.

I'm out!!
Let's start this one over ... I apologize for deleting your responses if they were well thought out and didn't have bashing/personal attacks.

The original post referenced/discussed was removed because it was quite simply ridiculous and false. It was transparent enough for those who had history with the "Outfitter" post but without the background it could falsely portray the IBA and it's President.

Also let this be a reminder to all that personal attacks/bashing negativity will not be tolerated and may result in permanent banning from this site. (keep this in mind if you should feel the need to response to this thread)

Like many, falsely bashing the IBA struck a nerve with me.

Let me make this clear - Iowawhitetail.com is a strong supporter of the IBA and Randy ... bashing the IBA will not be tolerated and will also will result in a permanent banning from this site.

Good luck to all shed hunting! Looking forward to seeing some ATLs!
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Well I was personally contacted about this thread and lucky me and not to my surprise that the forum has pretty much been deleted. As a public, but private site for the most part....free speech doesn't matter here or for that fact any website. By the way the Hinder concert was way more exciting!!!

Any admin has the right to delete your post if they feel it goes against their values of the website or even against what "THEY" feel strongly about. Which i can understand at some points because things do get heated on here, which is good because if you strongly believe in something then support it with facts.

So if I decide to bash the IBA because I dont feel strongly about them or what they do for me then Im gone? But isnt that free speech? Im sure as a non-resident the IBA isn't a fan of mine.

But anyway as nanny's point. We have lost all values what this country was raised on. Its amazing what you see if you have a family member or are a member of public education. It will make your blood boil.

It just all boils down to selfishness and people using what this great Nation was founded on for their own personal gain......

Like Nanny said, take what you believe in and get with others that believe in the same thing and go to battle. We have never won a war (trust me I've been in 3) with one person and posting your views on here goes on def ears if it just stays on here.
I don't know Cooter but I have personally seen plenty of times he has helped members and I do think he contributes to the site. JMO :)
First I’d like to thank Chris and IW for giving the IBA and myself a place to share information on the happening at the statehouse. It’s very important that people know what is going on in DM. When I post the weekly updates, this isn’t my thoughts or opinions; this comes straight from our lobbyist. Some issues you may not agree with and that’s fine. As individuals we will never agree on all matters. How boring would that be if we did? There have been and still are issues that are tackled by IBA board that I don’t like. Majority rules, it’s just that simple.
Love or hate the IBA that’s your choice, we have a solid foundation that we stand on and believe in. You have every right to fight to change it, but I can assure you we will fight back. I do however take it very personal when my character or reputation is questioned and will quickly lash out to protect it. I stand behind what I said yesterday, just not the way I said it. For that I apologize, my anger got the best of me. I get requests and questions from people all the time. I try to be helpful, straight forward and honest with all. Sometimes it ends up biting me in the butt.
I’m fortunate that I have the time and the passion to promote bowhunting in Iowa. I truly have one agenda, one desire; that my grandkids get to enjoy all of what God has created in this great state of Iowa. I just want them to have the same opportunities I’ve had for 60 plus years.
There will always be issues that we have to agree to disagree on. This makes the USA greatest country on earth.

This is way too heavy for a Sunday, let's going shed hunting or practice a turkey calling. Way too beautiful a day to waste pecking on a keyboard.
Thanks Randy. I sure appreciate all the IBA does. NR's should appreciate all that IBA does. For many reasons- Iowa could have gone to crap without the IBA and it would NOT be a destination state if many things went through they helped stop. Iowa is a FRAGILE state & ecosystem, like I've said. And again, 5% timber with far fewer deer than vast majority of states out there. It would take very little to destroy what we have here, VERY LITTLE. Why folks keep throwing monkey wrenches into a great ecosystem & management plan- I just don't get it?!?!?! Folks who've pushed for guns during rut, late antlerless til February, crossbows, party hunting late ML, etc, etc- it's a constant fight and those that would destroy what's here (some knowing what they are doing, some not)- only have to win ONCE. Game over. Thanks again IBA, I know residents and NR's appreciate the support and how IBA has been a strong force and guide to why IA is the best state in the country- I sure hope it stays that way and I sure have my share of worries. Thanks again!
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I'll probably get blasted for this, but if you are looking for an Opposing view, I am an Athiest. I am also a Military Veteran (no combat time). Longtime Republican however this year I caucused for Ron Paul and I would call myself a Libertarian now.
"Maximum Freedom, Minimum Government. We seek a world of liberty; a world in which all individuals are sovereign over their own lives and no one is forced to sacrifice his or her values "

The origional Pledge of Allegiance reads "I pledge allegiance to my Flag and the Republic for which it stands, one nation indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."


I think it should have stayed that way. I dont see why the word "God" needs to be on any of our money or government saying. Its your personal freedom to believe however you choose, but our government should be religion neutral. Separation of church and state
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I'll probably get blasted for this, but if you are looking for an Opposing view, I am an Athiest. I am also a Military Veteran (no combat time). Longtime Republican however this year I caucused for Ron Paul and I would call myself a Libertarian now.
"Maximum Freedom, Minimum Government. We seek a world of liberty; a world in which all individuals are sovereign over their own lives and no one is forced to sacrifice his or her values "

The origional Pledge of Allegiance reads "I pledge allegiance to my Flag and the Republic for which it stands, one nation indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."


I think it should have stayed that way. I dont see why the word "God" needs to be on any of our money or government saying. Its your personal freedom to believe however you choose, but our government should be religion neutral. Separation of church and state

You prove a good point, However I feel very sorry for you.
Well Squirrel since most in our great country affilliate themselves with a faith that incorporates God I believe the majority in our representative republic and democracy win, God stays.
Also, rules and laws(government) in a society are formed from basic beliefs(what some would call religion). Ours was founded on judeo christian values that built the greatest country on earth. I'm not a religious fanatic but a values foundation has to come from somewhere.
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do you believe

Well Squirrel since most in our great country affilliate themselves with a faith that incorporates God I believe the majority in our representative republic and democracy win, God stays.

I second that God stays! You should talk to my father-in-law he had a near death experience and what he described has been explained almost to a tee by many others. He said it looked very much like the road to heaven, you can discount that if you would like but really if you are wrong what good did it do you?

I told my father-in-law that we were glad you came back and that at least you didn't see "the hot" side:way:
There's a sign in the local bar that reads "It's either One Nation Under God, or bite my ass and leave."

That's pretty much how I feel. Love it or leave it... literally. :way:
SquirrelBoy said:
I'll probably get blasted for this, but if you are looking for an Opposing view, I am an Athiest. I am also a Military Veteran (no combat time). Longtime Republican however this year I caucused for Ron Paul and I would call myself a Libertarian now.
"Maximum Freedom, Minimum Government. We seek a world of liberty; a world in which all individuals are sovereign over their own lives and no one is forced to sacrifice his or her values "

The origional Pledge of Allegiance reads "I pledge allegiance to my Flag and the Republic for which it stands, one nation indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."


I think it should have stayed that way. I dont see why the word "God" needs to be on any of our money or government saying. Its your personal freedom to believe however you choose, but our government should be religion neutral. Separation of church and state

Our nation was grounded on the world of God. Our founding fathers believed in the bible. I do believe that In God We Trust needs to be on our money and in the constitution. Yes it it a free country to believe in what religion you want. I'm not going to put you down because your an Atheist. We all have our on views on what we believe. The bible even says that we will all never all agree on every thing. Why do you think that they are taking praying out of schools? Cause the enemy is trying take God out of everything including "In God We Trust".
Amen, B Ryan.

I'll probably get blasted for this, but if you are looking for an Opposing view, I am an Athiest. I am also a Military Veteran (no combat time). Longtime Republican however this year I caucused for Ron Paul and I would call myself a Libertarian now.
"Maximum Freedom, Minimum Government. We seek a world of liberty; a world in which all individuals are sovereign over their own lives and no one is forced to sacrifice his or her values "

Good luck Greg. Having a belief that is based on not believing makes no sense to me.

On our currency or not, it will always be one nation under God.
There's a sign in the local bar that reads "It's either One Nation Under God, or bite my ass and leave."

That's pretty much how I feel. Love it or leave it... literally. :way:

Pretty much sums it up for me! Time to get back to what the Country was really founded on and what made the country as great as it is! Or was!
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SquirrelBoy said:
I'll probably get blasted for this, but if you are looking for an Opposing view, I am an Athiest. I am also a Military Veteran (no combat time). Longtime Republican however this year I caucused for Ron Paul and I would call myself a Libertarian now.
"Maximum Freedom, Minimum Government. We seek a world of liberty; a world in which all individuals are sovereign over their own lives and no one is forced to sacrifice his or her values "

The origional Pledge of Allegiance reads "I pledge allegiance to my Flag and the Republic for which it stands, one nation indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."


I think it should have stayed that way. I dont see why the word "God" needs to be on any of our money or government saying. Its your personal freedom to believe however you choose, but our government should be religion neutral. Separation of church and state

You were right- you did get blasted for it. Along with the freedom of religion comes the freedom to not practice one if that's what you want.

Sent from my iPhone using IW
No Kansas the colonists fled tyranny and the king of England. We have actually borrowed many rules and laws from English common law which included a christian based faith.
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