Could be, I guess we just know different people then. (Just curious, what area in general are you in?) I really don't care if we reduce the 3 bucks to 2 bucks, I just don't think that is going to change things very much at all, but maybe it will in some other areas that I am not familiar with.
FWIW, I do personally know people that have shot more bucks(shed bucks) in one weekend during this late antlerless season that what I as a landowner have shot total in the last 5 years or so. While that is admittedly a small sample size

I still think that, at least in my general area, that shed bucks getting shot in the antlerless season is a far bigger toll than the landowners shooting an extra buck every year.
Are you also proposing to go from 2 bucks to 1 in a year? For everyone then I assume?