Well-Known Member
With this cold front coming thru I decided to get out for my first late muzzy sit of the year. I had my tree picked out and was settled down next to it by 2. I was set up in a dry creek bank overlooking a cut cornfield. first deer sighting was around 3 followed by a nice buck entering about 330 at 100 yards. I pulled the binos up and realized it was buck that my brother and I talked about often. He seen him several times during bow season and passed on the shot. He was a good buck but had broken his tines off early in the season. We talked numerous times about how we hoped he made it thru the shotgun seasons and when he showed up on camera again last week we were excited to look for his sheds and to see what he would turn into next year. Well.......... I text my brother and said "your buddy" is in the field feeding 50 yards in front of me. We text back and forth a little about how we couldn't believe he made it thru the shotgun season and I took a couple pics thru the binos and got back to the hunt. I started focusing my attention on some does entering from the other side of the field and lost sight of the buck. Shortly after that I hear crashing in a little pocket to my right and a young 8 point is being harrassed by a buck. I pulled up the binos and seen the back buck was a good one so I cocked the muzzy rested it on my knee and waited for him to step in the opening at 100 yards. As he made the opening I squeezed the trigger and when the smoke cleared he was still standing there. I raced to reload but by the time I got it done the buck was gone. I started scanning the pocket to see if I could spot him and I found he had bedded a short distance from the shot. While i was watching him he gave me a good view of all angles of his rack and my heart sank. I realized I had just shot the buck we had hoped and hoped would make it till next year. A lot of things went thru my head while I was waiting for him to expire. After i watched him lay his head down for the last time I decided to make the dreaded call to my brother and tell him the news. I didn't dread it because I thought he would be mad, I dreaded it because I felt I had let him down, let us both down. After the short confession over the phone with a few laughs and a congrats he was on his way out to help me load him up. Ive been blessed to take some amazing critters throughout my hunting days but nothing will stick with me more than this experience and it has nothing to do with shooting the wrong buck. Congrats to those who have tagged and good luck to those still trying! Thanks to those who share!