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Open for Interpretation


Premium Platinum Member
So this is a thought that continues to cross my mind. Just curious what others opinions are.

The topic of "meat" hunting is always a topic that seems to come up on many outdoor websites. Even the article posted a month of so ago about how the commercialization of hunting has ruined it and the drive to kill big bucks takes away so much from the sport, makes me think. What causes people to claim to be meat hunters, and why do people feel that they need to make excuses for shooting a "small" deer. Whatever that may be.

Just look in the Harvest forum, there is so many post talking about ground shrinkage, lack of time... etc.

I will definitely shoot whatever makes me happy given circumstances, 60" or 200". But I would admit, that antlers are what keep me in the woods.

So getting to my point! I don't necessarily believe that there are such a thing as a "meat" hunter. Even in years past when it didn't matter, people were proud of their Big buck, I think that it is simply a case of inability or lack of opportunity.

What I am saying is the "meat" hunter that puts down people like Drury, Kisky's, Lakowski's, The neighbor with a basement full of horn, I think it is a case of if you could you would. We are all one in the same, just some have a better spot, more time, whatever the case may be.

I just don't think that there is a need to put down the people who are there for the antlers, as they have put in there time, and there is no difference between them and the "Meat" hunter.

I think that we are all the same, and the "Meat Hunters" would be horn hunters if they had the belief that they could, or the opportunity. I just don't believe anyone who says a 200'' doesn't appeal to them.

“The wicked envy and hate; it is their way of admiring.”
I think your pretty close for most.
I think any "meat hunter" that had a 200" buck and a doe standing in front of them is going to shoot the buck even though the doe is going to taste better. However if a meat hunter only has one tag, and knows there is a 200" running around on the farm, they are just as likely to shoot the doe first chance given, not witing for the chance at the buck. saying that, I do know one individual that will not shoot a buck for any reason. Only does. A true meat Hunter! He tells me bucks are a majestic beautiful creation and he just cant shoot them.:rolleyes:
I think there are genuine cases of "meat hunters" across the country. Sure, a 200" would appeal to everyone I know. I walk the line between "meat hunter" and "trophy hunter". In the midwest where the season and tags are both generous to residents, I think you have a very good point. Out here, where, if you are fortunate enough to draw a tag that year, you have about 7 days to try to fill it and its buck only for deer. I see a lot of young spikes, forks, and "non-trophy" deer taken every year by hunters who do, in fact, have limited time and deer numbers are always down. They go out to fill their tag with a legal buck and put meat in the freezer. I have several friends who do this regularly, including one who took a spike elk with his archery tag that took him 7 years to get because he just wanted to get elk meat in the freezer (was way better tasting than a mature bull, btw). He harvested a spike in NM this year for the same reason. I put in for one of the trophy mule deer units every year for the rifle hunt and then chase "any antlered deer" with my over-the-counter archery tag when I don't get drawn. My standards with my bow are very low in our early archery season because I simply want some meat in the freezer and opportunities during our archery season are typically low (saw only 2 bucks in 2009; missed the better of the 2 forkhorns). I know folks (some friends some family) who genuinely don't care about trophy-size bucks; they just want to hunt and, like you said, will take whatever makes them happy. When you talk to them, there is no envy towards others or lack of opportunity. They just truly want the opportunity to hunt and are happy to just fill their tags. So I actually disagree that we are all the same. I think it depends entirely on the state you live in and the opportunities in front of you as well as your attitude.
Great post, Nick.
Been thinking about this for a while, too....

I am both! I save both my bow and late muzz buck tags for a buck.... When those are filled, I am a total meat hunter. My family and I eat 4-5 deer a year, we love it and its a staple in our diet!

However, there have been times where my time was quite restrained and I had to take advantages of good opportunities when they presented. I do not regret those decisions and would make the same decisions over again if in the same situation.

The folks that criticize the Lee and Tiffanys of the industry are jealous, period. If those that criticize were able to do what the Drurys do, they would..... if they had the money to buy that much land, and manage that much land.... they would.... if they say they wouldn't, I would be forced to throw the BS flag.... I just flat don't buy that. The Kiskys, Lakowskis, Drurys earned what they have.... and they just might be better hunters, than the average.... :D

Completely get where you are coming from and think that is my point as well. You have low standards for your early season tag. But you do the best you can with what you have, as do many of your friends.

I think that this makes us all more similar than different. If you were hunting a different area your standards would change. So I would not call you a "meat hunter". You hunted hard this year for a buck, and had a great doe harvest! But the drive for that big buck was still there!

So is the "lack of care", set in place because of "lack of opportunity"??

*Please don't take anything I am saying as an attack on you at all! Definitely respect you as a hunter/individual and am not attacking you!
I think what makes us all similar goes beyond "trophy" or "meat" hunting. It's the fact that we all like to hunt! That is what drives us all to the woods and keeps us from just going to the local butcher or grocery store to get our meat. If this wasn't the case, AZ's friends and hundreds like them wouldn't spend all that money to put in for tags or drive out west just to shoot a spike elk. It's all about new opportunities and the thrill of being out west or in a treestand, or pushing a piece of timber that makes us all similar.

I agree though that 99.9% of hunters would shoot a trophy buck over a doe if they were together, and if they say differently I may have to borrow the BS flag from Thomas. :D
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I don't thing you can categorize hunters, each is out there with his own standards. All deer are trophies and I believe there are a lot of Iowa hunters who forget that since we have lots of opportunities to hunt. Some would consider themselves horn hunters, they are interested in only big bucks and will kill only big bucks. Others are interested in putting meat in the freezer and shoot accordingly. But we all want a crack at a 200" deer.
Some men like Blondes, some like Brunettes, some go for the juggies, others like long legs, but we all like women! Supermodels are great if that one in a lifetime pops up, but I gotta have my meat and potatoes!
If I was just a meat-hunter, I'd save myself thousands of dollars and buy a cow each year- I would save thousands. I love the chase of MATURE bucks, whatever the size rack. I love the outdoors and I love passing young & dumb bucks.

I also think it's far easier and far more common for folks to go after "trophy hunters" as evil and "ruining the sport". I would enjoy giving the other side of that argument any time- often times the other side that's always left out of their one-sided arguments.

I do laugh seeing the guys who are "out for meat" shooting several little & young bucks if they are hunting areas full of deer and does- "why don't you just shoot a doe then" I often ask.

At some level- "to each his own" or "whatever makes you happy" (which does then bring into discussion what's biologically best for the heard & another discussion) BUT leave me alone if I want to pursue mature animals and do whatever I can to better manage for them- that's my right too!
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I think most of us would agree that meat hunting is exciting too. I shot my first deer last week, it was a young doe and I shook like a leaf after the arrow had done its job. Why trophy hunting gets a bad rap, is b/c of the $$ involved. If everyone simply "meat hunted" then leasing of land, etc. wouldn't even be an issue. There are some true meat hunters out there, in my wonderful state who've lost places to hunt. Leases even go through late season when the Non-residents are back snug in their big southern homes. That's why you see some old fashioned meat hunters hacked off at the modern day trophy hunter. And while I would probably be classified as a trophy hunter myself (now THAT'S funny considering I rarely see a trophy animal, haven't in two years -- 150" or bigger), I sympathize with every old timer out there longing for the good ol' days. Iowa residents I said it many times on this site -- those of you who can't afford land or leases will be singing a different tune 5 years from now about trophy hunting...
I don't thing you can categorize hunters, each is out there with his own standards. All deer are trophies and I believe there are a lot of Iowa hunters who forget that since we have lots of opportunities to hunt. Some would consider themselves horn hunters, they are interested in only big bucks and will kill only big bucks. Others are interested in putting meat in the freezer and shoot accordingly. But we all want a crack at a 200" deer.

OldGene, think that is one of the best perspectives, especially "All deer are trophies". No offense taken at all, Gundog, and I completely agree that people who criticize the successful most likely are jealous. I also separate out my hunting in Texas from my hunting out here in AZ. If I took any buck below what my BIL manages for regularly, I wouldn't be invited back. So yes, I do trophy hunt when I go out there and putting meat in the freezer in the form of a doe is a given every time. I definitely show my trophy (antler) hunter side by my choice to put in for a top-notch unit that is kown for big mulies and my meat hunter side by going after any legal buck in August/Sept (and likely starting this weekend). I also think Dedgeez summed it up great in that its the love of hunting that actually makes us all similar and the experience, itself, can define the "trophy". Trophy buck standing next to doe, trophy buck for sure (I don't want Thomas throwing anything at me :D)! But I live in a state where there are no doe tags for adults (limited for juniors) and populations are much worse off than in Iowa so you take what opportunity comes your way if you want to eat venison. Don't get me wrong, I do know SEVERAL trophy hunters out here that would rather eat tag soup than take a "sub-par" buck, but I also know several hunters who simply want meat in the freezer. I keep getting an earful when I only put in for bull archery elk. I calmy explain that with as many bonus points as I've accumulated, it doesn't make sense to waste them on a cow tag at this point when I can likely get drawn every year for one of those if I put in for the right unit. I should get drawn in 2012 and I've promised to spend the next 3 or 4 years chasing cow elk so we can have good meat in the freezer. Like Thomas said, I walk the line of both depending on where I'm hunting and the situation.

As for the "lack of care" vs. "lack of opportunity", I can honestly say that my cousins are in the "lack of care" boat when it comes right down to it. Trophy buck vs. doe standing together, no brainer. But they have a great piece of family land reserved for them and only them every year and I've seen them take "less-than-trophy-quality" bucks simply because of the memories created with their late grandfather and they cared more about filling the tag than putting antlers on the wall.

The thing I like most about this site is that all of us are here because we do share that overall love of hunting, whatever your definition of trophy is. And, again, as far are taking what you said personally; the other thing I like is that honest, well thought out, opinions and views are almost always respected here and its the different perspectives that keep us all thinking. As I said, I think you have some very valid points. I just happen to know of a few situations that differ. :way: Good overall post and dialogue, Gundog!
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I hunt for meat and to please myself, not somebody else. Sometimes I'm in the mood to let a young buck walk, but more often than not, if he's in my sights and the freezer is low, it's going down. The old saying that if you want meat, shoot does is BS. I'm not passing up a bunch of meat to just make somebody else happy.
The day I have to make excuses for what I shot or what somebody thinks I should shoot, I'll quit.
Everyone has their own views of what they want to shoot. But if you look down on, and bad mouth those to don't fit "your way" of hunting, you don't belong in the woods.

I think everyone evolves into the type of hunter that you are. Personally, I love to chase big whitetails. I do not shoot one every year, as is the case this year, still haven't filled my tag. But, I am OK with that. I enjoy passing up deer, just watching them move in the wild is a major reason as to why I hunt.

Last night it was -4 below and I had a fork buck walk within 5 feet of me and was not scared one bit, he eventually went back and fed in the brassicas. I love that kind of stuff!

On the other hand, my boys all shot deer...smaller bucks and a doe, what a blast seeing them harvest deer. We have plenty of venison which we enjoy, and we gave one away to an uncle and he was so happy about it!!

I think a hunter can be both, like TH and Sligh both stated earlier. It is cold and snowy up here in MN (heck the dome collapsed)...so I am now open to taking a nice doe with my bow to finish out the season, but maybe, just maybe, a nice buck will come to one of my food plots and I'll tag a late season buck, who knows??
I hunt for meat and to please myself, not somebody else. Sometimes I'm in the mood to let a young buck walk, but more often than not, if he's in my sights and the freezer is low, it's going down. The old saying that if you want meat, shoot does is BS. I'm not passing up a bunch of meat to just make somebody else happy.
The day I have to make excuses for what I shot or what somebody thinks I should shoot, I'll quit.
Everyone has their own views of what they want to shoot. But if you look down on, and bad mouth those to don't fit "your way" of hunting, you don't belong in the woods.

wow Shovel seems grumpy today. I think somebody woke the sleeping bear!:grin:
I hunt for meat and to please myself, not somebody else. Sometimes I'm in the mood to let a young buck walk, but more often than not, if he's in my sights and the freezer is low, it's going down. The old saying that if you want meat, shoot does is BS. I'm not passing up a bunch of meat to just make somebody else happy.
The day I have to make excuses for what I shot or what somebody thinks I should shoot, I'll quit.
Everyone has their own views of what they want to shoot. But if you look down on, and bad mouth those to don't fit "your way" of hunting, you don't belong in the woods.

Grumpy or not :way::way::way::way::way::way::way::way::way::way::way::way::way::way::way::way::way::way::way::way:
Dont let amyone fool you, we are all trophy hunters at heart. We dont lose sleep the eve of opener dreaming about that giant spike. Everyone wants a big buck for the wall, at least one. Put a doe alongside a fat 6 point and it could be debated about which would get shot first. But put that doe alongside a 200 inch 5x5 and every single hunter out there would shoot that buck before taking the doe. Jim Jordan and John Breen were known for being meat hunters, but it didnt take either of them long to realize how silly a rump roast looked hanging on the wall.
How about this? ... Bottom line: We are all alike in that we enjoy hunting and spending time outdoors. Beyond that, we are all different and there's nothing wrong with that.

Jim Jordan and John Breen were known for being meat hunters, but it didnt take either of them long to realize how silly a rump roast looked hanging on the wall.

Hardly. Neither one of them went out to shoot their world class bucks, they went out to shoot meat to feed their families. They just ended up being in the right place at the right time. Nothing more, nothing less.
As for losing sleep the night before the opener, as hard as it will be for most to believe, I don't lay there thinking about huge bucks. I want a deer, period! If a big one happens along, great, but I'm not dwelling on it.
Keep in mind meat hunting is what destroyed the Iowa deer herd in the late 1800's. If the population supports guys taking multiple deer then fine but sooner or later it will catch up to us. Add in a stretch of bad winters and our numbers will be like we had in the 80's before we know it.
I like the point of this thread and it's something I struggle with myself.

I don't put down any of the "pro" hunters, they make their money on shooting large animals. They just have the $ to be able to afford more land to hunt and manage their deer.

For now, I'm on public land, so I don't much worry about the animal size. But if I were to pick between a 150" buck and a doe standing side by side, of course I'd take the buck. It just doesn't "consume" my hunting mentality and I don't make excuses for anything I shoot.

The lack of public lands is what bugs me, not what other hunters shoot. As long as its a legal animal, taken with a legal weapon, during a legal season, you'll never hear me complain. We need more places to hunt which spreads out the hunter population across more land allowing us all to see more deer.
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