Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Open for Interpretation

I hunt for big bucks because they are hard to hunt! I love to go shoot does and put meat in the freezer but it's not the same. I hunt in spots where I could harvest a small buck or a doe 50% of the times I sit. I can go out 3 entire seasons and not shoot a mature buck. For me it's not a race to put my tag onto something and get back into the house. I love to learn from the woods and challenge myself to be a better hunter. If a truly mature buck 120" or 220" walks by there is a good chance I'll take him.
Some of those people didn't have much money or the ability to buy large amounts of property until hunting companies came along and paid them big bucks for their shows. If I could do what Lee Lakosky does, i would do it in a heartbeat. When we buy the products they advertise on their shows, that's where they make the money. I think Lee made some money selling a patent related to engineering. Gotta give the guy credit.
I love antlers and I love eating venison...I'll eat a buck just as fast as a doe, I can make them taste the same. The thing I like about the antlers, I can relive the hunt and how it played out in my head each time I grab the rack. Got nothing to show for the doe after it is consumed until the guy comes to pump the septic tank really. That said, I am to the point where I will let a young buck pass regardless of size waiting on one to reach his potential over the years...but the first thing I do after I do take out a big buck and get him hung up is cut out the hanging tenders and fire up the grill.
I hunt for the meat and the memories. I do a lot of still hunting and spot and stalk because I get bored sitting in a tree. Some of my best hunts have been late season stalks and I get just as excited stalking a doe as a buck. There may not be antlers to remember the hunt but the memories are still vivid in my mind.
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