If you listen to the local media Radio, TV, Iowa is still crawling with deer. The too many deer idea will take a long time to get out of the heads of the general public.
This is a letter I received in the mail today. I scanned it, but for some reason I was unable to get it to copy to this thread so I am typing it just exactly as it is written.
Seen a lettar some fellar on hear writ about deers an I thot I wuld add my to sents.
Deer Guvner
Ben meenin to rite you as to the numbrs of deers we bin sean this yeer. I reelise you getta hunt with tha Dreary's and such but that aint like the spots we hafta hunt. Some peeple say your actin like a dick tater and not lissenin to the game wardens and the peeples thet hunt deers. I took my dauter Fonda huntin in the yuth seeson and she toll me "This aint no fun, I wanna shoot some deers" Well you kant shootem if you don't seum I tells her. Wen we furst mooved heer you culd just shoot em outa the door. It was eesy to git deers back then My neybor gits tags all yeer. Somthin about Prediter tags. He says they got sum programm wherr they give deers to peeple sos they dont hunt no more It wirks kind like pres Obama givin checks to peeple so they wont wirk no more I gess sum of the deers go to fellas that dont get out much I think thets wherr sum of the deers are goin These peeple need to git there own deers. And then I heers about a diseese killin deers. Ahole sheet lowd of em. If this keeps up therr wont be enuff deers for me an my famly to lay up enuff meet for the yeer. We cuont on this meet for ta git bye. Peeples need ta hunt moor in thet Jan seesen wen the deers horns fall off Thet way we aint killing so many does an ya git more meet Makes sents ta me. An iff ya shoot one with horns on acident you kin jus give em a litle kick and tha horns fall off reel eesy (know what Ime saying) Seen a fella do thet on the neybors place a cuple a times. If yew keep actin like a dick tater Im goin ta hafta vott fer a Repubblican next time Us Democrats need ta stic togethr. You kant aford to loose our votts. And thers a lot of peeples like me owt therr. My soninlaw Tom wirks for congres an he sayed you probly wont never sea this lettar. sum aid will probly reed it an send a lettar back sain thanks fer writin. I hope yew get this lettar and not some of the aids If we kant have moor deers in Iowa Im afeared Im goin ta moove back ta Missoura. Wurst dam seesen I ever had. Was goin to have my dauter tipe this lettar on one of them cumputers but she sayed some spelchecky thing jus put lines unerneath my hole lettar. Thanks for lissening Harold Dicks
PS Hop ya git a biggun in the late seeson sos we kin sea it in the newpepper agayn.
My response that I got... sickening
The Governor is an avid hunter and has hunted deer during a number of seasons with his son. He understands, and appreciates, the importance of hunting in the state. With that said, the Governor also realizes that the deer population affects Iowans who own property, travel on our roadways, or pay insurance coverage for their vehicles. And, the Governor also understands that many people have lost their lives in accidents involving deer.