Opening Day Success


Active Member
Well it happened last night. This is the first time that I have killed a deer on opening day of bow season.
I got in my stand around 5:30 and knew that the does would start showing up in about and hour. As I sit there I catch out of the corner of my eye some movement but wasn't sure of myself. So as I am looking I see a famn run from one side of the revine to the over that I was on and go into the field. She was about 20 yards and then I could see old mama coming.
So I get ready waiting for mama to take her time going into the field. Which she does, she ends up getting about 15 yards and on the other side of a tree. Well she follows that tree to me which I still don't have a shot and gets 10 yards from me and turns broudside right under a overhanging branch. Needless to say she never gave me a clear shot so I had to let her go.
Well after she left I was pissed, I thought it was going to be a done deal. So about 20 minutes later here comes this doe from down wind of me. She walks about 5 yards from my stand and just stands there. I thought for sure I was done but it never bothered her. So she made her way up the ravine and stopped at about 10 yards and was quartering away from me. So I got to full draw and held it there. I wasn't sure if she was just going to walk straight up or give me a broadside shot.
So I decided to take the shot. Needless to the the gold tip with the tunderhead did it's job. It went in just in front of the top of the ham and went through the front shoulder. The arrow didn't go all the way through but she didn't make it 75 yards and I could hear her rolling down the hill. So I filled my doe tag and now I am on to bigger and better things.
It was a great hunt and I hope that everyone else has great luck the rest of the year. Pictures to be coming soon.
way to go dbllung. Now that the first one is out of the way the pressure is off.
Hope the rest of the season is good to you!!!
Great Job!

Sounds like you had a great hunt. Like 1 arrow said, now you can relax and settle in for the big boy!

Good Job.