Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Opinions? Fast Attractant for Deer pics & inventory


Staff member
Hey guys- usually I have cams out all year & on mineral all summer for inventory. Obviously they r slowing on mineral. I just bought a new farm & overloaded with lots of other things going on. At least wanna throw up 3 cams to get a FAST inventory. Never needed to do it this quick & obviously ignored all the deer attractant stuff on shelf BUT this may b a case for it. Don't care of spend a little more to get variety & buy the overpriced rip off stuff since I will likely do it once. Gonna throw corn down of course. Maybe some apples. Any of the other stuff with deer pic on it really work fast & has A strong & attractive smell? Not sure if one with molasses or some of the "deer cocaine" type things I remember from long ago. What works awesome in addition to corn & apples (which sure- will work alone of course)? I am going to put a metal barn panel over it all before season with big bricks. Fast & potent suggestions?? Thx!!
I haven't used many of the "it'll bring deer from miles away" attractents. I'd say you are on the right path with corn and apples (depending on what is nearby). I know a guy who has been having good luck with mixing molasses in with his corn and the deer have been all over it. The molasses would add a good smell that will carry to the pile as well. Might be worth a shot.
If you want a quick inventory of bucks, get one of those scent droplets and fill it with code blue over a mock scrape on a good travel area. A buck just can't resist checking it out.
Agree with mock scrapes suggestion along travel corridors. I don't think the on the shelf stuff adds anything over the other suggestions like adding molasses to corn. I've had good luck mixing a bag of sweet feed which has lots of molasses for the scent and sweetness to a bag of corn to start a camera sight then swap to straight corn after the deer find the site.

Good luck and congrats on your new purchase
I would go to orchelins and get some apple flavored deer corn. Tastes like corn but has a strong odor of apples! And it is on sale!
I'm on board with what everyone is suggesting. Only thing that I will add is that this i had deer walk by fresh apples for a week, only to devour them when they "turned" a week later. If you go with apples I would use something else with them just in case.
Friend in MN swears by lucky buck. The deer will find whatever it is you put down. Would stick with the corn, apples and molasses idea myself ... they will find it and give you the info you are looking for ... good luck
BB2 bass pro carries it deer love and the smell is very strong made to mix with corn or use alone

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A buddy of mine has used lucky buck for the last couple of years and also swore by it. I was hesitant but we finaly put some out infront of a couple cams and I'm definetaly a believer. Put it out on a Sunday came back the next sunday and there was a hole already starting where they had been pawing at it. Not to mension the number of pics. But do be carefull and not open it inside the cab of your vehicle, it will be smelling like apples for a week.:rolleyes: good luck!
Try the mock rubs in open areas.. they should be hitting those hard.. a buck just cant resist a lone sapling
bb2 or monsteraxx spray attractants!( the new "bear" attractant works well for whitetails too btw:) Check em out...monsterraxx.com
Get a bottle of corn syrup bottle of vanila and four cups of brown sugar. Will need two empty milk gallons. pour half the syrup, half the vanilla and two cups of brown sugar in each gallon top with hot water. Can be poured on corn, a stumb, the ground or whatever. Works great
Attract deer

Best combo at this time of year----collect a bunch of acorns from a tree in town or wherever and a ton of apples and you will get pictures of the local deer herd. I sprinkle all of it with Buck Grub, works great!
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