Hey guys- usually I have cams out all year & on mineral all summer for inventory. Obviously they r slowing on mineral. I just bought a new farm & overloaded with lots of other things going on. At least wanna throw up 3 cams to get a FAST inventory. Never needed to do it this quick & obviously ignored all the deer attractant stuff on shelf BUT this may b a case for it. Don't care of spend a little more to get variety & buy the overpriced rip off stuff since I will likely do it once. Gonna throw corn down of course. Maybe some apples. Any of the other stuff with deer pic on it really work fast & has A strong & attractive smell? Not sure if one with molasses or some of the "deer cocaine" type things I remember from long ago. What works awesome in addition to corn & apples (which sure- will work alone of course)? I am going to put a metal barn panel over it all before season with big bricks. Fast & potent suggestions?? Thx!!